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Space Force Tag

The House Committee on Armed Services revealed an outline of its defense budget proposal on Monday. The contents of the plan set up a possible stalemate with the Senate and President Donald Trump. The proposal trims $17 billion from the $750 billion Trump requested for defense. The Senate defense bill sits right at $750 billion. I have a feeling the portion that does not allow any Pentagon funding towards a border wall will cause the most problems with Trump.

It looks like Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has planned to expand his firm's delivery range. The entrepreneur unveiled a mockup of a lunar lander built by his Blue Origin rocket company. Bezos also announced his support for the Trump administration’s renewed push to establish a lunar outpost in just five years.
The world’s richest man and Inc’s chief executive waved an arm and a black drape behind him dropped to reveal the two-story-tall mockup of the unmanned lander dubbed Blue Moon during an hour-long presentation at Washington’s convention center, just several blocks from the White House.

Three states want President Donald Trump to choose them to  house the US Air Force Space Command, which is the initial phase of implementing President Donald Trump's goal of establishing a US Space Force.
Alabama, California and Colorado are the three finalists to host U.S. Space Command, a unified hub similar to U.S. Central Command or U.S. Cyber Command, which will oversee and coordinate all aspects of Pentagon space policy. The establishment of Space Command is a key step in the process of standing up Mr. Trump’s full Space Force, which in time would become the sixth branch of the armed forces.

It appears that the US Air Force has been tasked to help launch the Space Force proposed by President Donald Trump.
Detailed planning for the proposed Space Force is expected to be handed over soon to the U.S. Air Force, a sign that Pentagon leaders — many of whom opposed the notion of consolidating military space operations in a new organization — have found a version that they can support.

Following up on his initiating Space Force, President Donald Trump has launched a new missile defense plan.
Unveiling a revamped missile defense plan, President Donald Trump said Thursday that the United States is prepared to make use of space as a potential battleground. "My upcoming budget will invest in a space-based missile defense layer," Trump said in remarks at the Pentagon, and it is "ultimately going to be a very, very big part of our defense – and, obviously, of our offense."

President Donald Trump officially launched the Pentagon’s new Space Command as part of national efforts to better organize and advance the military’s space programs.
Trump signed a one-page memorandum Tuesday authorizing the Defense Department to create the new command. Speaking at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Vice President Mike Pence said, “a new era of American national security in space begins today.”

Vice President Mike Pence has officially laid out the plan to begin creating a military command dedicated to space, establishing the “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. military. If everything goes according to this plan, the Space Force would be in place by 2020, making it the first new branch of the military established since the Air Force was formed shortly after World War II.