Rick Santorum | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Rick Santorum Tag

Supporters of Rick Santorum are on Day 3 or 4 of the type of distortion and character assassination which was unleashed on Newt beginning in mid-December, and only paused when Newt dropped in the polls. In Newt's case, almost all of it came from Republicans, in...

When Foster Friess, a funder of a pro-Santorum SuperPAC, made a joke about birth control in the old days (that women kept an aspirin between their knees, meaning they kept their legs closed and were not promiscuous), there was outrage (on the internet pronounced OUTRAGE)...

So it's okay.  (h/t Terri in Tip Line) The point is not that there's anything wrong with it, but the hypocrisy (which applies even more to Romney) is dripping, considering how Newt was raked over the coals for a video with Nancy Pelosi which did not...

It must be great to be Rick Santorum running against Mitt Romney. By the time Mitt gets to you, after Mike H., John M. and Newt G., all of the sudden there is grave concern that Mitt will not be nice.  What's that saying, it's better...

I previously posted about Rick Santorum's endorsement in 2004 of Arlen Specter against a challenge from Pat Toomey, in what was a precursor to the Tea Party v. Establishment fights to come. One of the unintended consequences of Specter's reelection was that in 2009 Specter switched parties,...

As was documented by Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator, the floor speech Newt gave about Reagan's "failing" Soviet policy in 1986 was filled with praise for Reagan and the criticisms of the policy raised in the speech were common among conservatives.  The suggestion that Newt was...

Rick Santorum clearly is a social conservative, but not so clearly a fiscal conservative or smaller government conservative. One of Santorum's selling points is how he has conducted himself this campaign season.  While he attacks hard, he has not gotten personal or rattled. We'll see. Santorum did not have...

Rick Santorum recently released  an attack ad on Newt Gingrich criticizing him as a big government conservative touting the line, “Rick Santorum for President. He doesn’t just talk a good conservative game, he lives it.” Why is Santorum drawing attention to his fellow candidates' records of...

Mitt Romney has outspent Newt Gingrich on negative advertising in every state, starting in Iowa, and was the first to go negative every time. Yet Romney, with absolute conviction, continues to say that the reason he lost South Carolina was that he was outspent by Newt,...

my ability to laugh. Then I saw these, the most recent being Santorum. "NEWT GINGRICH" — a Bad Lip Reading Soundbite - watch more funny videos ...

Michael Reagan, in this interview with Mark Levin, shoots down the smears spread by the Romney campaign and its supporters regarding Newt and Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Lord has another great piece, Newt Battles Mush From the Wimps (h/t jiminsocal in the Tip Line): The war between conservatives and...

I'm sure this headline drives Santorum supporters wild, and I understand why.  If the roles were reversed, I would feel the same way. But sometimes reality is what it is.  Both Newt and Santorum have said they will soldier on indefinitely and I don't doubt their...

Whatever my criticisms of Rick Santorum, we owe him a debt of gratitude for this segment last night, which confirmed that Mitt Romney loves him some Romneycare: As Jeffrey Anderson writes, Romney's defense of Romneycare will be political death in the general election: Romney then replied by issuing...

Rick Santorum has said he will be in the race for the long haul, and I have no reason to doubt his sincerity. But what message does it send his supporters in Florida that he's not even hanging around for election night? Failing to show early signs...

Here were the final results in South Carolina:  Gingrich 40.4, Romney 27.8, Santorum, 17, Paul 13. Drop Out Argument:  On what basis does Santorum continue?  His Iowa momentum never lasted beyond Iowa.  South Carolina, with a large evangelical vote whose leadership endorsed him, was Santorum's best...

Rick Santorum disqualified himself last night at the debate by his response to John King's question to Newt about the ABC News interview with Newt's ex-wife. The issue was more than just another issue, whether it was the Newt-Freddie consulting, Romney's tax returns, or Santorum's election...

There's a whole lot of punditry who have been singing the inevitability of Mitt Romney because for the first time in history a single candidate won both Iowa and New Hampshire in an open race.  The narrative was stupid -- because on election night Romney...