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Rick Perry Tag

One of the greatest mistakes we make is to confuse academic credentials with leadership. Barack Obama, who guards his transcripts like they're the equivalent of the formula to Coke, presumably had very good grades at Harvard Law School because he graduated with high honors, a purely grade-based achievement. ...

The Washington Post has a lengthy feature piece on Rick Perry's attempt to reform state-funded higher education in Texas, Rick Perry wages an assault on state's university establishment. The article clearly was intended to portray Perry as meddling in academic freedom by suggesting cost and performance analyses...

That's Rick Perry's position on the NY same-sex marriage law: Perry, who is considering running for president, at a forum in Colorado on Friday called himself an “unapologetic social conservative” and said he opposes gay marriage — but that he’s also a firm believer in the...

The Hispanic Republican Conference of the Texas House of Representatives endorsed Governor Rick Perry for President of the United States – before most anyone had even considered his running. Didn’t anyone tell them they aren’t even supposed to be Republicans? If Texas is any judge, it looks...

There are two candidates still waiting, either of whom could shake up the Republican primaries big time. It's impossible to read the tea leaves on whether Sarah Palin is running, but it seems increasingly likely that Rick Perry is running. How much longer can they wait? Bonus question:  If...

The pool of Republican candidates just keeps growing, and voters are beginning to vet stances and pick sides. In an economy burdened by a $14.4 trillion debt and over 9% unemployment, Americans want someone new at the helm who can turn this sinking ship around....

I am pleased that Katie Thompson will be doing some guest posts here,  starting with a post about Rick Perry.   Katie expands the geographical diversity of the university blogging team of Kathleen, Matt and Mike.  Katie is entering her senior year at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas.  Katie already...

I think it's fitting that the last video (really) ever posted at is of another person who could shake up the Republican field (that makes three today) if he chooses to enter the race. I'm changing sometime after midnight tonight.  I think we all need...

I saw this interview of Rick Perry yesterday afternoon, and I was impressed.  I'm not willing to commit yet, because the field is not complete and I don't know enough about him, but I'm intrigued by Rick Perry.  (Thanks for all your prior comments, give...