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Rhode Island Tag

One of Linc Chafee's key campaign promises in running for Governor was to rescind an executive order in Rhode Island which required vendors doing business with state agencies to use the federal E-Verify system to verify the immigration status of employees, and directing the state police...

It was great to clear my head this morning with a walk through Colt State Park in Bristol, Rhode Island.  I wonder what the guy in the second photo below was feeling as he dug for clams in this frigid weather.  Probably stayed focused on...

This is the sort of thing which infuriates taxpayers, with good reason.No one is against fair compensation and fair pensions for firefighters, but once again union rules provide for abusive tactics, as highlighted in this Providence Journal story about two management fire officials in Providence...

I have posted numerous times before about John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr., nominated to the R.I. District Court by Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed.McConnell, by far the largest campaign donor ever nominated to the federal judiciary, has been opposed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the...

I was saddened to wake up this morning to find out that Joe Fernandez had passed away yesterday after a short illness.I first met Joe a decade or so ago in connection with the Harvard Law School Association of Rhode Island.  Although Joe and I...

Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic Senator from my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, is up for re-election in 2012.Whitehouse snuck into office in 2006 after a bitter Republican primary between incumbent Lincoln Chaffee and conservative challenger Steve Laffey.  Chaffee won the primary, but the damage was...

I have written several times before about the controversial nomination of John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr. to an open federal court seat in Rhode Island.  It appears that Democrats will use the lame duck session to force through McConnell's nomination, which has been stalled for...

I posted previously about how Rhode Island Republican Governor Donald Carcieri had issued an executive order requiring companies that did business with the state to use E-verify to verify the immigration status of employees, and also requiring the state police to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.Now The...

This will serve as an update to my post last May about the construction of the Big, Unfair House, and the hope that it would be redistributed to me.The construction looks just about completed, at least on the outside.  Mighty fine looking home.Mighty fine, mighty big,...

In the rush to find "shovel ready" projects at which to throw stimulus money, the feds funded a sidewalk project in Warren, Rhode Island, one town over from where I live.I featured this project in my post in early July, Miles of Sidewalks, and Empty...

Unlike the rest of the country, my home State of Rhode Island stayed blue, with both congressional seats going to Democrats.Or should I say, my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations stayed blue.As my readers know, there was a referendum on the ballot yesterday...

A new poll released in my home district (RI-01) confirms what I have been telling you for weeks, this race is winnable for Republican John Loughlin.  As reported by The Providence Journal:For much of the campaign season, Providence Mayor David N. Cicilline has raised much...

The Providence Journal, the only statewide daily newspaper in Rhode Island which dominates news coverage, has endorsed Democrat David Cicilline for Congress in the RI-01 District, running against John Loughlin.  As my readers know, this is my home district and I support Loughlin.Unfortunately, the PolitiFact feature...

The fiasco of Obama's visit to Rhode Island -- which led Frank Caprio, the Democratic candidate for Governor, to tell Obama to "shove" his endorsement -- holds tremendous potential to split the Democratic base.Obama came to Rhode Island to raise funds for the national Democratic...

The high and mighty Democrats in Rhode Island who paid $7500 per plate to attend an elaborately catered dinner with Barack Obama were left with an empty seat at the table.As reported by The Providence Journal, after giving a 20-minute speech to those gathered at the...

Via WPRI in Rhode Island.  The rest is just a formality:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Tuesday, October 26, from 8-9 a.m. (E.S.T.), I'll be a guest on the Helen Glover Show at Talk 920 AM in Providence, RI, one of the two major talk shows in the Rhode Island / Southeastern Massachusetts market.  You can listen live here.Helen is on...

Post-2008, Obama does not have a good record of bringing home the vote for candidates for whom he stumps.This appears to be repeating itself in Rhode Island.As I posted early this morning, Obama is in Rhode Island campaigning for David Cicilline, the Democratic nominee in...