Harvard Byzantine Empire Class to Study ‘Trans Monks’ and ‘Genderless Angels’
"Topics for discussion include: normative concepts and representations of masculinity and femininity; asceticism and the gendered body"...
"Topics for discussion include: normative concepts and representations of masculinity and femininity; asceticism and the gendered body"...
"days are gone where we can rely on law enforcement solely. … We can no longer afford to have security as a luxury"...
Stop. Lying. To. People....
"This war is not about @Israel or Gaza. It is about the survival of Western Civilization, capitalism, and democracy."...
"we came to find that RRC is, de facto, a training ground for anti-Zionist rabbis"...
“Mulvaney’s comments have been deemed disrespectful and derogatory towards women and to SLU’s central mission”...
“The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes”...
"Held annually on March 31, Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is a time to celebrate transgender and non-binary people around the globe and acknowledge the determination it takes to live openly and authentically"...
There is nothing to be gained by marketing to a vanishingly small segment of the population, and apparently Cadbury got the message....
"We call sincerely and with a heart filled with faith and Christian love for our White churches to join us and not be silent around this issue of racism and slavery and commit to reparations"...
"put on by the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Through Action (IDEAA) Committee"...
The Witness sculpture is best understood as a modern-day golden calf, the idol Israelites worshiped at the foot of Mount Sinai, provoking the wrath of God....
"Her statements constituted an attempt to spread misinformation about Christians by creating the perception that they hold unique beliefs that pose a distinct and, in her words ‘extremist,’ threat to our country."...
"they believe that our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any Earthly authority. They don't come from Congress, from the Supreme Court, they come from God"...
“This whore. This great whore. St. Cecilia, Mother of all Whores!”...
"change comes after two public interest law firms, True North Legal and First Liberty Institute, sent letters to the school district"...
"Through a series of individual and group activities, more than two dozen fellows from around the world shared their thoughts and their sacred texts"...
"Yes, the Bible was written in a patriarchal time, but it recognizes that people reimagined and reshaped their gender identities back then—just like they do today."...
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