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rahm emmanuel Tag

Oh boy, has this administration become unhinged in its efforts to force through Obama's "bet the farm" economic plans.Rahm Emanuel runs anti-opposition campaigns from inside the White House against Rush Limbaugh to take down the leading opponent of Obama's economic plans. The White House coordinates...

Camille Paglia, Obama supporter, observes:"President Obama should yank the reins and get his staff's noses out of slash-and-burn petty politics. His own dignity and prestige are on the line. If he wants a second term, he needs to project a calmer perspective about the eternal...

The day before the presidential election, when Barack Obama's victory seemed all but certain, I predicted that I would be able to say "I told you so" about what lay ahead:When this bubble bursts, I will be able to say "I told you so." Unfortunately,...

Thanks to Illinois Review for cross-posting this piece.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the highlights of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's criminal complaint against Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, played out dramatically at Fitzgerald's news conference, was that Blagojevich used extreme profanity to describe Barack Obama's refusal to make a deal...

"Rahm is for Rahm." Sounds like Obama has found a kindred spirit.[youtube=]...

Barack Obama is one of the most aggressive politicians this nation has ever seen, but his aggression is masked by soothing talk and words of hope. Is it really surprising that Obama has named Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed Rahmbo for his aggressive partisan style, as White...