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Politico Tag

We've all seen how the mainstream media lives in NY and DC bubbles. Regardless of where they came from, they often embody the shock at how people outside the coastal and liberal bubbles live. They *literally* didn't know anyone who voted for Trump, so they were shocked that 60 million people did so. On campuses, which are feeding grounds for journo bubbles, there were crying circles on election night 2016.

On Friday, Mary wrote about Rep. Ilhan Omar's Obama-bashing interview with Politico. In this interview, Omar told Politico's Tim Alberta that, among other things, Obama's hope and change was a "mirage" and that he got away with the "caging of kids" and with "murder" because he was "polished." Upon publication of the piece and the Democrat horror that she had attacked Obama, whom 49% of Democrats think was the best president since WWII, Omar went on the offensive.

On Monday I blogged that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg missed oral arguments for the first time in her tenure because she's recovering from surgery. Doctors removed cancerous nodules off her lung. I wrote that people joked about giving her their limbs and organs, but also wouldn't be surprised if people actually did this. Say no more! Politico Chief Political Columnist Roger Simon asked Twitter today if anyone would "subtract one day off your life and add it to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life for one extra day of good health."

The jury in the Paul Manafort trial has ended deliberations for the day without a verdict. This comes after jury questions yesterday, including asking the judge to clarify the meaning of "reasonable doubt." As mentioned in yesterday's post, Paul Manafort is being prosecuted because of who he knows. I hope he walks, the judge's guidance probably didn't clarify anything:

Fox News reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has decide to open a formal investigation into whether the Obama administration interference in law enforcement attempts to shut down a Hezbollah international criminal ring running drugs into the U.S. This arises out of Politico investigation into Project Cassandra, which we covered in our post, Obama allowed Hezbollah cocaine running into U.S. in quest for Iran nuke deal. See that post for the details, but here’s the top line from the Politico reporter Josh Meyer:

The New York Times has suspended its White House reporter Glenn Thrush after Vox published an article of alleged sexual misconduct towards young female journalists. The author Laura McGann worked at Politico with Thrush had her own incidents with Thrush, but spoke to several other females who had similar experiences with the reporter.