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Obamacare Tag

First the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE expressed their belated disapproval of the ObamaCare Tax monstrosity, and now the IRS employee union wants to be exempted from Obamacare.  The Teamsters, et al., made points that we've been making since 2009, points they willfully ignored and openly...

The other day, when I was researching my post about Thomas Friedman and Obamacare, I contacted an old blogging buddy of mine - I was on the Watcher's Council with him a few years ago - Scott Kirwin (aka The Razor). Scott views Obamacare through the...

Sheila Jackson-Lee, Jan Schakowsky, and David Axelrod have all done an about-turn on merits of the term "Obamacare" after a recent decision to allow its use in "franked" U.S. government mail. Franking privileges, which allow mail to be sent from congressional offices as part of their...

Today the RNC released a t.v. ad hitting Obama on his denials that Obamacare is a tax: Hot Air writes: This is probably the best attack that Republicans and Mitt Romney can muster from yesterday’s defeat — and it’s likely to be effective.  Whatever boost Obama gets...

The Obamacare ruling has implications beyond those affecting policy and judicial precedent; the Supreme Court decision allows Obama to claim the total success of his far-Left ideology, with a stamp of approval that goes all the way up to the Supreme Court. Why is that so...