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obama Tag

Remember Barack Obama's famous attack on John McCain, that McCain wasn't willing to go to the cave where Osama bin Laden was hiding: "John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell - but he won't even go to...

Barack Obama is about to propose a massive, trillion dollar stimulus package, the centerpiece of which is infrastructure projects. Large-scale infrastructure projects have a long history of cost-overruns, mob-influence through corrupt unions, and are not effective at long-term job creation.But that is not the worst...

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that the U.S. has arranged for a charter ship "to carry 325 standard 20-foot containers of what is listed as 'ammunition' on two separate journeys from the Greek port of Astakos to the Israeli port of Ashdod in mid-to-late...

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."Opposition appears to be growing to Barack Obama's intention to nominate Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General. The opposition is among Democrats who want to push single-payer (i.e., nationalized) healthcare. This opposition apparently stems from a confrontation Gupta had...

My home state of Rhode Island has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to grabing proposed federal instrastructure stimulus dollars. Although it has been known for weeks if not months that Barack Obama was ready to throw hundreds of billions of dollars at...

Legally, the Illinois Supreme Court should rule that Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is required to sign and affix the state seal to the Certificate of Appointment issued by Gov. Rod Blagojevich appointing Roland Burris to Barack Obama's open Senate seat. But emotionally and...

It appears that Barack Obama intends on following through with his campaign promise to issue refundable income tax credits so that people who pay no income taxes will get “refund” checks from the federal government. Obama justifies these payments as being a refund of payroll...

On October 29, 2008, I wrote It's 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling, which appeared at American Thinker. Considering how events in the Middle East are unfolding, and the likelihood that in two weeks the Obama administration will make decisions on...

Legal Insurrection Blog started on October 12, 2008, with what is still my favorite post, Obama is Door No. 2.In those first days, readership consisted of me, a few relatives, a couple of neighbors, and some friends of relatives. Then a handful of other followers...

Barack Obama loves to invoke the "rule of law" when it suits his political purposes, but not in the case of Rod Blagojevich's appointment of Roland Burris to Obama's empty Senate seat. In the Burris case, politics apparently trumps the law.There is no substantial legal...

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's appointment of Roland Burris has put the Democratic party in a box. By appointing an African-American to the empty Senate seat, Blagojevich has forced his political opponents to risk being called racists. In supporting the appointment, Congressman Bobby Rush called opposition...

Thanks to Illinois Review for cross-posting this piece.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the highlights of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's criminal complaint against Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, played out dramatically at Fitzgerald's news conference, was that Blagojevich used extreme profanity to describe Barack Obama's refusal to make a deal...

In his weekly radio address today, Barack Obama repeated his intention to stimulate the economy and "create" jobs through a massive public infrastructure program. As we have noted before, "[o]f all the concepts to help build the economy, Barack Obama has seized on the one...

If there is any doubt in your mind who is No. 2 in the Obama administration, watch the body language of Obama's December 1, 2008 press conference announcing the national security team. While Joe Biden finally was allowed to appear in public, the body language...

The mainstream media, which swooned over Barack Obama, is going through a mild period of self-examination. Howard Kurtz' piece, A Giddy Sense of Boosterism, has sparked media self-examination over how the media debased itself through pro-Obama boosterism. Yet even in this self-examination, the pro-Obama bias...

I am getting a little uncomfortable with the increasing tendency of the punditry to believe that Obama the President will be a centrist, unlike Obama the Candidate. The speculation among otherwise rational conservative commentators over how the left wingnuts must be going crazy is overdone....