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Mitt Romney Tag

Romney does not appear to be falling for the second political death (or is it third?) of Newt, because his SuperPAC still is going negative against Newt. Perhaps his team knows, based on internal polling, that for all of Santorum's caucus wins and next best thing hoopla, Newt remains...

I'll post the Nevada results later.  Romney won big there in 2008  (51.1%) because of the heavy Mormon turnout at the caucuses and is expected to do so again. The big story was the revelation in The NY Times that the Romney campaign, both directly and...

Conservative blogger John Hawkins (Right Wing News and elsewhere) poses the age-old conservative question: Choose to have your head cut off with a chainsaw (voting for Obama) or just a limb removed (voting for Mitt). John chooses life and limb (he's a Newt supporter). ...

Mitt Romney has outspent Newt Gingrich on negative advertising in every state, starting in Iowa, and was the first to go negative every time. Yet Romney, with absolute conviction, continues to say that the reason he lost South Carolina was that he was outspent by Newt,...

Trump was dealing from the bottom of the deck. And double-dealing. Mitt thought he was playing poker, but Trump snookered him. It was a three-card Monte game, but only two cards showed up. From James Taranto: ...

Jennifer Rubin, the "right" blogger at The Washington Post and incessant Romney promoter, repeatedly has lashed out at Newt Gingrich with truly vile language unbecoming a writer at a major newspaper. At 9:00 a.m. this morning, when Rubin thought Donald Trump would be endorsing Newt, here is what Rubin...

my ability to laugh. Then I saw these, the most recent being Santorum. "NEWT GINGRICH" — a Bad Lip Reading Soundbite - watch more funny videos ...

Mitt Romney had an interview this morning in which he said the following: Romney says, "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair , I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich...

in Nevada with this mailer: Similar mailers have been running for days. I suppose Mitt will tell us that he only is going negative because Newt outspent him in Florida. Who is it that can't be trusted?...

Mitt Romney had a strong win last night in Florida.  There's no way to spin it otherwise, just as there was no way to spin Newt's South Carolina win otherwise. But at what cost? Financially the cost was about $17 million for Romney and his SuperPAC, almost...

Of course, it takes a publication like Mother Jones to pull this stuff up, but it hasn't received a lot of attention since it was published in October. There's a curious reference to Teddy having to work in Washington in order for Massachusetts to pass Romneycare. It hasn't come up much,...

There is a trend developing to assign equal blame to the poisoned atmosphere in the Republican campaign, as if there were no cause just effect. I'm not going to allow history to be rewritten the way the Romney campaign and its supporters tried to rewrite the history...

I have been trying, as best I can, to sound the alarm about the damage being done by the scorched earth tactics of the Romney campaign and its supporters in the Republican political and media establishments. The effort long ago left the political realm and has devolved into a collective...

It's not looking good in Florida. The polls show Romney surging as a result of the Romney plan exposed by The NY Times to overwhelm Newt via Romney's close ties to Drudge and a collective effort of the Republican establishment to go after Newt in what The...

I have told you that Bain would be our undoing in a general election. But whenever someone questions Bain, they are accused of being anti-capitalist. Wishing it away will not make it go away, as an article in The Boston Globe about Domino's Pizza shows, Domino's...

Two days ago Mike Huckabee denied calling Mitt Romney dishonest because of the negative attacks run by Romney, and asked Newt to take down an ad featuring Huckabee calling Romney dishonest because Huckabee denied what was on the video even though it was on the...