Khalid Sheikh Mohammed | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Tag

Yesterday, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) was arraigned at Gitmo along with his four co-conspirators. The team at This Ain't Hell was there, in person, and liveblogged the entire trial beginning with this photo taken from the parking lot full of media: This Ain't Hell reports...

Mea Culpa:  This happens sometimes.  The post below was wrong as originally drafted, as pointed out by a reader, because it is court officials, not the Justice Department, who want to move the trial.  Gulp.-------------------------------------The Justice Department Federal court officials want to move the trial of Jared...

On Friday, Barack Obama dropped a political bombshell with wide ranging implications for the U.S. war on terror and relations with the Muslim world.  Obama then disappeared from the domestic political scene, as a fury of recriminations reverberated throughout the political sphere and blogosphere.  Obama...

That seems to be the point of David Savage's intellectually dishonest column in the L.A. Times. Savage tries to link Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to the 2002 "torture memo" written by Thomas' former clerk, John Yoo.Savage's argument is that Thomas' view of the 8th...

Adam Gadahn has been captured, reportedly.Good. Period.This is a fight on which we all should be on the same side.But wait for it: This proves Obama's anti-terrorism strategy is better than Bush's -What, you mean working with your allies as opposed to trying to run...

On November 29, 2008, in the wake of the Mumbai massacre and the election of Barack Obama (no connection drawn, just historically close in time), I wrote of the dilemma faced on whether to kill or capture terrorists: Giving Terrorists "Rights" May Lead To More...

When the Obama administration announced in November its intention to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and several other 9/11 plotters on trial in a civilian court in downtown Manhattan, the decision was met with derision on the right.There were two parts to that decision which were...

"If we still cannot connect the dots on al-Qaeda bomb plots, why are we having the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 plotters in densely populated downtown Manhattan?"--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Scalia Was Right About Releasing Gitmo DetaineesSchumer Right Before He Was WrongKSM Trial is Another...

Reports indicate that two of the planners of the attempted airplane bombing over Detroit were released Gitmo detainees, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi and Said Ali Shari. Each of these detainees went through a military hearing system and were released in 2007.At that time, the U.S. detention...

Best line of the weekend. Bill Kristol on Fox News Sunday, asked whether the White House party crashers should be prosecuted:Yes, we should put them on trial in New York in a courtroom right next to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed(My transcription from memory, until I can...

Chuck Schumer defends Obama's decision to try 9/11 subjects in civilian court in lower Manhattan.But Schumer was against it (via HotAir and Washington Times) in 2001, using words which explained the lack of logic to a civilian trial for the planners of the 9/11 attacks...

At least Andrew Sullivan is honest that the main purpose of a civilian trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is not obtaining a conviction of KSM. A conviction could be obtained more efficiently and just as fairly in a military tribunal.As I posted earlier, the purpose...

There is almost unanimous applause in the left-wing blogosphere and mainstream media editorial boards for Obama's decision to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on trial in a civilian court. The decision is being hailed as a courageous act to restore the rule of law. In fact,...

Anyone who questions the wisdom of bringing non-civilian Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to trial in a civilian court stands accused of reducing 9/11 to kitschy memory, or something like that:In the years since, “9/11” has turned into a shorthand for patriotic kitsch for the Wingnutteria, and...

This is my obligatory "Obama changed his mind on military tribunals" post.Back in 2006 when the Senate debated the legislation creating constitutionally acceptable military tribunals, as a reaction to the Supreme Court ruling in the Hamdan case, Obama was confident that a full military tribunal...