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Israel Tag

Juan Cole, who thinks people chanting "Death to America" are merely misunderstood, uses this Christmas morning to launch an attack on Israel, "Bethlehem Under Occupation; In the absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope."With an embedded video from al-Jazeera, and a...

How long before arrest warrants are issued by politically motivated judges in Europe for high level U.S. politicians and military officials because drone strikes in Pakistan kill civilians?Don't think it could happen? How about this story from Britain, Israel fury over British war crimes warrant...

Senator Orrin Hatch has written a Hanukkah song. The background is here. Thanks, Orrin.There's a lesson to be learned here, but unfortunately the Jewish community will not learn it because it is so deep in the pocket of the Democratic Party that it cannot see...

Last January, I warned of a dangerous slide by Turkey into the Islamist orbit, Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran. About a month ago, I further noted Caroline Glick's excellent article about Turkey's coziness with Iran and anti-democratic Islamism, Turkey is Lost to Islamists.In response...

You just knew this had to rear its head on the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The anti-Israel left is demanding Mr. Netanyahu, Tear Down This Wall:On the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Western leaders are full of self-congratulation. But...

Joe Klein, sometimes hero, sometimes villain to just about everyone, wrote a lengthy article about all the problems Hillary Clinton is having in just about every part of the world with just about everyone over just about every foreign policy issue.But one sentence in the...

I've stayed out of the controversy over J Street, the supposedly "pro-Israel, pro-Peace" group founded by out-of-popularity Israeli peaceniks and left-wing Americans.With all my coverage of Democratic attempts to destroy the American health care system, I haven't had the time to cover J-Street's attempt to...

There are many stupid things said on the internet. Add to the list of top-ten contenders the claim that author Caroline Glick is not concerned with the survival of Israel.This claim is made in a post at the Lawyers, Guns & Money blog, a left-wing...

Barack Obama is on another "it's all Bush's fault" tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush's mess:Another way of putting it is when, you know, I'm busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess –-...

I can't keep up with all the ways in which this administration is failing. From the health care restructuring proposals gone sour, to the slippage in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the appeasement of Hugo Chavez and Iran and the bullying of Honduras, to the end...

Think Progress, the Democratic policy and media-watch organization, broke the story that someone in the audience at a health care town hall in Las Vegas shouted "Heil Hitler" at an Israeli giving a talk about the Israeli system. Needless to say, the video is being...

Mary Robinson will get the United States Medal of Freedom today.Ms. Robinson presided over the 2001 “"World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance," in Durban, South Africa. Durban was an anti-Semitic hate fest, a grotesque and macabre exercise in linguistic word games...

In Neda in Palestine, Sentenced to Die Alone, Max Blumenthal at Huffington Post compares Israel's self-defense against suicide bombers from the West Bank to the Iranian crackdown on protests against election fraud which resulted in the death of Neda Soltan. Once again, false analogies and...

A court in Great Britain has found that a religious Jewish school engaged in racial discrimination by applying the traditional definition of who is a Jew as part of its admissions policy.Traditionally, whether one is Jewish is determined by maternal lineage. If one's mother is...

The claims of election fraud in Iran and resulting civil unrest have given rise to a conspiracy theory which is making its way through the internet: The claims of Iranian election fraud are an Israeli-created hoax spread by manipulating Twitter.The first reference to this conspiracy...

There is a lot more to the turmoil in Iran than meets the eye. I think the threat to the regime is more serious than people let on, if the world keeps watching and Iran is not permitted to pull a North Korea and seal...

Latest tail-wags-dog faux story: Israeli "Minister without Portfolio" Yossi Peled sent an 11-page letter, revealed by the Jerusalem Post, to Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. At one point in the letter, Peled says that if the U.S. keeps moving in an anti-Israel direction, Israel should reconsider...

If you want to know why Barack Obama was spitting into the wind with his "historic" speech to the Muslim world, at least as regards the Israeli-Palestinian issue, there is no better example than this juxtaposition of Palestinians booby-trapping horses as part of a failed...