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Immigration Tag

Gordon Brown is a man of the people. When the people are around.When alone with aides, he dismissed as bigoted a woman who expressed concerns about how immigration from Eastern Europe would affect the economy. But moments earlier, in public, he praised the woman.As reported...

It is over-the-top and out-of-control when it comes to the Arizona immigration bill recently signed. Not the law itself, but the reaction.Linda Greenhouse's opinion piece in The NY Times epitomizes the absurd rhetoric (emphasis mine):I’m glad I’ve already seen the Grand Canyon.Because I’m not going...

Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham have put forth the outlines of an immigration plan, which has been endorsed by Obama as the basis for immigration reform.While there is no legislative text, as described by Schumer and Graham, the key is that illegal aliens automatically would...

Justice Department announces that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is coming to NYC for a civilian court trial, with all the melodrama and lawyering-up that will entail. Can you say, "objection your honor, my client was waterboarded"? Can you say, "Bush and Cheney really are on trial...