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Hezbollah Tag

A recent report published by the Israel-based Alma Research and Education Center revealed the Iran-backed Hezbollah is erecting more missile launch sites in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

The missiles aimed at Israel are located in the city's crowded neighborhoods, a tactic to deter the Israeli military from targeting the sites in case of an armed conflict.

Israeli military chief has warned neighboring Lebanon of an 'extremely significant counterattack' if Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist militia uses the country to launch attacks against Israel. "In the face of these threats, we will respond with an extremely significant counterattack that will include targeting rockets, missiles and weapons, whether in open areas, or adjacent to and inside buildings," Israel Defense Forces (IDF) chief Aviv Kochavi said.

Pro-Iranian terrorist group Hezbollah and the Iran-backed Syrian regime are behind a billion dollar drug bust made recently by the Italian police, news reports suggest. "The Italian police initially thought that Islamic State (ISIS) was behind the transaction. But after digging further, they pointed the finger at the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his close Lebanese ally Hezbollah," the Jerusalem Post reported Thursday.

The Israeli military has laid bare the terrorist group Hezbollah's latest claims that it does not run missile and munition factories in Beirut's residential areas. The Israel Defense Forces (IFD) used terrorist militia's own video footage of a facility in Beirut to show the machinery used in the manufacturing of rockets and warheads. 

Iran and other rogue states are covertly working to acquire German technology for making nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, Germany's prominent intelligence agency confirmed on Friday. Tehran was using front companies to deceive German firms into selling dual-use equipment and sanctioned WMD technology, the intelligence service of Germany's Hesse state disclosed in its annual report.

Alarmed by U.S. President Donald Trump's recent diplomatic successes in normalizing relations between Israel and Arab nations, the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah have pledged to form an "axis of resistance" in their ongoing war of terror against Israel.