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Health Care Tag

Obama does bear responsibility for the high, and now likely perpetual, unemployment rates, the skyrocketing budget deficits, and the rapid rise in our national debt in the past two years.  Domestically, the obsession with passing Obamacare and expanding government had a direct cause and effect...

Mike Stopa was a candidate for Congress in the Republican primary in Massachusetts, and a focus of some posts here, including about his plan on how to dismantle Obamacare based on the experience in Massachusetts.Now Mike has written a column for The Boston Globe sure...

Obamacare was "historic."  Do a Google News search, and there are hundreds if not thousands of references to the "historic" nature of the legislation.But do a similar search for the House vote repealing this historic legislation, and the term "historic" is used only to describe the legislation,...

From Alan Grayson, hero of the left-blogosphere:[youtube=]-------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

As I posted yesterday, I thought Obama gave a good speech at the Tucson memorial.  The mainstream media, which has been seeking a way to redeem Obama's presidency, is portraying the speech as turning point in which Obama brought us all together, in contrast to...

Here we go, from Democratic House Rep. Chellie Pingree of Maine, writing at HuffPo (emphasis mine), who claims that the Obamacare repeal bill must be renamed in the wake for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting:As I write this, the motivation behind the shooting of my friend Gabby...

These numbers from NYC on the abortion rate are shocking in a world where shocking has ceased to have much meaning.  As summarized by CBS News:"The city health department last month released statistics that showed 39 percent of pregnancies ended with induced termination in 2009."This equates to...

At least one Democrat, and possibly several, are expected to vote in favor of the House bill to repeal Obamacare.So will the media refer to the repeal bill as "bipartisan"?  Or does that description only apply when a handful of Republicans break ranks to join with Democrats?--------------------------------------------Follow...

The Democratic leadership in the Senate has told Republicans in the House not to bother with repeal of Obamacare, any repeal bill will not get past the Senate.That's old news, and certainly no reason not to pass legislation in the House.There are several vulnerable Democratic...

When the first challenges to the health care mandate were brought, the legal theories were dismissed as frivolous.  Despite numbers showing a majority against the mandate, few believed the mandate could be overturned, and the numbers had stagnated.Then earlier this month a judge in Virginia...

The Obama administration has instituted, via regulations, the end of life counseling which was taken out of the Obamacare legislation after many people objected to the government paying for such services.As reported in The New York Times, the Obama administration took steps to conceal the...

I told you so, I told you so, I told you so.The worst aspect of Obamacare is that we have delegated enormous amounts of power through regulation to the Department of Health and Human Services.  Obamacare is the structure, but for every page there will...

Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) was right to insist on greater financial accountability and fraud prevention in the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (history of text changes here).The Zadroga Act had all the hallmarks of the type of government spending which, without vigilance, gave rise to...

This is not the post you probably were expecting from me given my harsh -- and as always prescient -- criticism of Republicans in the lame duck session.  I was screaming "capitulation!" before screaming "capitulation!" was fashionable.Notwithstanding the lame duck session, give Mitch McConnell some credit...

Prof. Orin Kerr, writing at Volokh Conspiracy, believes there is a glaring error in the decision by Judge Henry Hudson of the U.S. District Court in Virginia holding the health care mandate unconstitutional (italics in original, bold text mine):I’ve had a chance to read Judge Hudson’s...

A Judge in Virginia has held the health care mandate to be unconstitutional.  The decision is here and embedded below.The Judge rejected the position of the government that the mandate was an exercise of taxing power:It is clear from the text of Section 1501 that...