‘Welcome Back’ Trends as Twitter Restores James O’Keefe and Dozens of Other Banned Accounts
It's a whole new era on Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk....
It's a whole new era on Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk....
“wasn’t asked once by any of the officers or staff members present if [she] was doing alright”...
“There can be no real liberal education without free speech”...
German newspaper Die Tageszeitung: "The EU is monitoring Twitter very closely since its takeover [by] Elon Musk." ...
"The student leaders were told several times to consider what this would do to their reputation."...
"events this fall have brought an unwelcome clarity to what before was only a vague and foreboding feeling"...
“As a university, Yale has not only failed to formally condemn these attacks, but has also, in the past, provided platforms to many of the individuals who peddle the abhorrent lies that lead to violence against queer individuals”...
"only 32.5% of staff members surveyed feel comfortable expressing their political views on campus, compared to 51.5% of students"...
“the Founders were enslavers”...
"Colleges and universities should be setting the example."...
"the policy allows such spontaneous speech only in certain designated areas on campus"...
"People had driven for hours to attend my speech. Liberal students had come to hear what I had to say...
“forms of protest that substantially disrupt an in-person or virtual event in a way that has the effect of silencing a speaker”...
“Cornell apologizes to Ms. Coulter and all members of the audience who hoped to hear her remarks."...
"I can’t be seen on the program with right-wing nutjobs"...
“I am happy to be back at Collin College and I am thankful to FIRE for helping me”...
"This is stunning and scary. It is like the old Communist Party loyalty oaths."...
"recognize the threat to safety that Shapiro’s presence holds and stop him from speaking at the University"...
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