FL-22 2012 | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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FL-22 2012 Tag

Via Dan Riehl at Big Government, Allen West is escaping the bad redistricting and will be running in another district, in a game of musical chairs with a couple of others: In a deal with several moving parts, Conservative favorite Rep. Allen West will move over...

I have this video posted on the Focus Page, but it's worth bringing forward in light of the redistricting approved by Republican leadership in the Florida legislature which will make it hard for West to get reelected, and the SuperPAC formed to target West and 9 other Tea Party...

I posted the other day about how Allen West was getting hurt in the Florida redistricting. I linked to the Shark Tank, a Florida blog, which gave background going back several months about how Allen West was being targeted for unusually harsh treatment by fellow Republicans...

A Democratic SuperPAC just made my job of identifying House members to support as part of Operation Counterweight a whole lot easier. The new SuperPAC will target 10 Tea Party congressmen, six of whom have been identified with four to be named, via HuffPo (h/t @JazzShaw): A liberal...