FL-16 2012 | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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FL-16 2012 Tag

I'm not sure this qualifies for the "Ever" award (I'm still partial to this), but it is a fantastic commercial. Fantastic. Fantastic, and I almost put another word before that. The Murphy response? To criticize West's military record involving the now famous incident when he zealously interrogated a hostile. Good...

After you have maxed out, of course, on contributing to the Allen West Congressional Black Caucus Chick-fil-A Fund. Via The Shark Tank, a SuperPAC to which West's opponent's father contributed a large sum of money is running an ad showing West beating up old women and...

I met Allen West this weekend when he was in Rhode Island. Very impressive guy, even more so in person. He is a prime target for Democrats and SuperPACs.  You can donate to his campaign here. That is all....

I have mentioned before how Allen West is on the top 10 target list for Democrats this year, Dem SuperPAC targeting “Tea Party 10″. For that reason, among others, West is on the Operation Counterweight list, and we have a separate Focus Page with his website and...

You will remember the outrage which swept the airwaves when redistricting by the Republican legislature redistricted Allen West out of existence.  There was a heated dispute whether West was targeted or just the victim of circumstance dictated by law. West ended up switching districts. West discussed it...