Dick Cheney | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Dick Cheney Tag

Adam McKay's career trajectory has proved to be one of the weirdest a contemporary comic director has forged. Having launched his career into the spotlight with his inaugural effort Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy, he proceeded to attempt making lightning strike twice with four subsequent team-ups with Will Ferrell that all failed to fully recapture the success of that first film: Talledega Knights, Step Brothers, The Other Guys and Anchorman 2.

President Donald Trump has pardoned former Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff Scooter Libby, who received a conviction of lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice in 2007.

It's safe to say that former Vice President Dick Cheney is not a fan of Obama, especially with regard to foreign policy. While Obama is pushing congress to approve his Iran Deal, Cheney is ringing alarm bells. Rebecca Shabad of The Hill:
Cheney: Obama has 'surrendered' America's global power Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter, Liz Cheney, say President Obama has “dangerously surrendered” U.S. global leadership during his time in office. In an adapted excerpt published by The Wall Street Journal from their upcoming book, "Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America," the two write that until Obama became president, Republican and Democratic presidents understood the “indispensable nature of American power.” “For the most part, until the administration of Barack Obama, we delivered,” they wrote, arguing that Obama has “departed from this 75-year, largely bipartisan tradition of ensuring America’s pre-eminence and strength.” The Cheneys said Obama has “abandoned Iraq” and is “on course” to do the same in Afghanistan.
The Wall Street Journal piece by Dick and Liz Cheney can be read here. In case you missed it, Cheney appeared on the Hannity show earlier this month to discuss the Iran Deal. Needless to say, he doesn't approve:

Vice President Dick Cheney has now passed into a realm of popular culture that will surely make his many liberal detractors seethe with disdain. The interviewer is James Rosen of FOX News, the outlet is Playboy Magazine:
Playboy Interview: Dick Cheney Dick Cheney likes lattes. Seated in his favorite brown-leather chair in the sunlit study of his home in McLean, Virginia, the former vice president of the United States can toss back two of the warm java blasts in an hour... At different points, President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have suggested that racism is a factor in criticism of them. Is there any truth in that? I think they’re playing the race card, in my view. Certainly we haven’t given up—nor should we give up—the right to criticize an administration and public officials. To say that we criticize, or that I criticize, Barack Obama or Eric Holder because of race, I just think it’s obviously not true. My view of it is the criticism is merited because of performance—or lack of performance, because of incompetence. It hasn’t got anything to do with race. Do you feel Obama, either intentionally or inadvertently, has undone your and President Bush’s work? Oh absolutely. Where do you start? I think with respect to the situation in Iraq, his precipitous withdrawal and refusal to leave any stay-behind forces, to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqis, was a huge mistake; we are paying a price for it now. He’s having to go back in now, and the guy who campaigned on the basis of bring the boys home and get out of Iraq is now redeploying forces to Iraq. I think his apology tour, when he went to Cairo in the summer of 2009 and said the U.S. overreacted to the events of 9/11, was a huge mistake. I don’t think he ever bought into the notion that we’re at war, in terms of a war on terrorism; I think he always wanted to treat it as a law-enforcement problem.
Read it all. For someone who's been out of office for six years, Cheney has stayed remarkably relevant.

Senator Mitch McConnell has characterized the new CIA report on "torture" as a last ditch effort by outgoing Democrats to stick their thumb in the eye of the George W. Bush administration and of course, he's right. Where were all these Democrats when Obama was pulverizing suspected terrorists into dust with drones if they happened to be on his personal kill list? It's convenient for Obama to kill terrorists with drones because they're enemy combatants he'll never have to place in Gitmo. Vice President Dick Cheney was interviewed by Bret Baier on FOX News Wednesday night and was asked about the highly partisan CIA "torture" report. He didn't hold back: Dick Cheney understands something Obama will never get. People want to know the truth, no matter how ugly it is.

Dick Cheney appeared on Hannity, and stated what all thinking people know to be true, Obama is the radical in Washington, D.C., not the Tea Party: FMR VICE PRES. DICK CHENEY: I'm not unsympathetic to the frustration, I think, that's led many Americans to sign on for or become part of the tea party. I'm as frustrated as anybody else can be, but I think we have a situation where the circumstances in Washington, the inability and the unwillingness of the this administration to come to grips with our basic long-term debt problem, for example. The frustration out there is very, very high. And so when I see people talking about the tea party, I don't think of the tea party as extremists the way some of the folks in Washington want to describe them. The extremist in Washington is Barack Obama. He's the guy that wants to fundamentally transform our health care system. He's the guy who has done enormous damage to America's standing in the world. To the extent there is an extremist or radical political view in Washington these days, I believe it is the president of the United States.

Not often anymore, mostly just hack attacks on Republicans. But this is good, even if it does take a gratuitous shot at Dick Cheney, Andy Borowitz, U.S. Cancels Regular Drone Strikes on Saturdays: WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Citing budgetary concerns, the United  States announced today that it would...

Thursday night former Vice President Dick Cheney held a fundraiser at his home in Jackson, WY, for Mitt Romney. During his remarks, Cheney stressed Romney's ability to handle the foreign-policy decisions that a commander-in-chief faces, while Romney cautioned that Obama's foreign-policy mistakes may have even...

Dick Cheney is having more heart trouble, and may need a heart transplant at some point.We know how his critics reacted last summer when he was hospitalized.  Via Radio Equalizer:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cENE739JPyI?fs=1]Transcription via Newsbusters:MIKE MALLOY: Cheney has had five heart attacks, and history of heart trouble. Well, I...

Of course, that depends upon what the meaning of "crazy" is.News has leaked out through an article in Esquire Magazine that Eric Massa, the disgraced Democratic rock star (was he the tickler, or the tickle-ee?), claims that Dick Cheney conspired with Gen. David Petraeus to...

Or so it seems. Democratic Representative Mike Capuano is running in the Democratic special primary for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. While running against numerous other high-profile Democrats, such as Attorney General Martha Coakley, Capuano has put Dick Cheney at the center of his campaign strategy.In...