CUNY | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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The complaint letter charges CUNY Law discriminates against students, faculty, other employees, and prospective students, faculty, and employees, and that the law school faculty’s recently-adopted BDS policy puts the school out of compliance with ABA req'ts. Meanwhile, NYC Council Higher Ed Committee grills CUNY over...

The National Lawyers Guild is a leftist group with chapters at numerous law schools. The City University of New York (CUNY) Law School Chapter of NLG led the protests against and disruption of the lecture by Prof. Josh Blackman, as we documented in “F*ck the law” – CUNY Law students attempt shout-down of conservative law prof.

Disruptions of conservative speakers, even at law schools, has become a common tactic. We've documented dozens of such incidents. The tactic, even when it doesn't prevent the speech completely, is not merely the expression of disagreement. It's an infringement of the speaker's right to speak, and the audience's right to hear that speech.

We wrote earlier about the upcoming academic Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) vote at the New York University graduate student union. In that context we mentioned similar efforts underway at the City University of New York (CUNY) and Columbia. Well, it didn’t take long! The Doctoral Students Council at the CUNY Graduate Center has just announced that a vote on a resolution calling for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions will take place at their meeting on April 15th. CUNY Graduate_Center_Flags_460px_306px