Jewish Alums at Columbia Call for ‘Overhaul’ to Address Antisemitism at the School
"Antisemitism has become a regular, defining feature of life on Columbia University’s campus"...
"Antisemitism has become a regular, defining feature of life on Columbia University’s campus"...
"Yeshiva has reportedly said it expects an influx of students who are leaving secular schools amid the protests on campuses."...
"The incident took place at a panel discussion about Jewish life on campus held during a Columbia College reunion on May 31."...
"CUAD stands in full support of Casey Goonan and all of our comrades who have bravely undertaken the call to escalate for Palestine"...
"a prosecutor in Bragg's office argued that the defendants should not face criminal penalties, citing their lack of criminal histories and arguing that the protesters will face internal discipline at Columbia"...
"Numerous students also reported having Jewish symbols torn off them while walking on campus, the Israeli outlet reported."...
"harassment, intimidation, discrimination and exclusion against Jewish students by professors and fellow students"...
Matthew "Patashnick, the associate dean for student and family support, also chimed in to say that one of the panelists—it is not clear to whom he was referring—is capitalizing on the crisis at hand to raise money."...
"Your failure to respond to illegal rioters caused many Columbia undergraduates to miss three weeks of in-person education"...
It's time for a reckoning....
Man, my Italian mom would have stormed the floor and kicked my butt if I pulled any of the antics the Columbia graduates pulled....
“Judaism cannot be separated from Israel.”...
“It’s outrageous, it’s an affront to workers everywhere”...
"We will not return to a campus that is extremely dangerous for Black, Palestinian, Middle Eastern, Latinx, South Asian, Arab, Muslim, trans, queer, and other communities who are disproportionately profiled by police"...
"Our students emphasized that these smaller-scale, school-based celebrations are most meaningful to them and their families."...
"Why do so many people think that weekslong campus protests against not just the war in Gaza but Israel’s very existence are nevertheless permissible?"...
Shafik promotes "empathy" and "compassion" because apparently there are very fine people on both sides...
"Many are unwell at this time and cannot study or concentrate while their peers are being hauled to jail."...
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