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Capitalism Tag

An Op-Ed in today's Wall Street Journal argues that Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a better alternative to endless bailouts. UPDATE: Here is another view, arguing that Chapter 11 would be a "death knell" for the US auto industry. UPDATE No. 2: Another article arguing in...

Conservatives face a choice. Yield to "progressive" policies which, once implemented will take a generation to undo, or stand on principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, and capitalism? Giving in is much easier, but in the long run more costly. We can learn a lot...

As we conclude this final day before the election, the arguments have been made, the advertisements run, and the cash spent. Through all the noise, the essential decision facing the American people has not changed.It's all about trust.I trust John McCain. Although I have never...

It has been a while since I have agreed with Thomas Friedman, but Mr. Friedman has a good observation on the economic forces which may lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime:Under Ahmadinejad, Iran’s mullahs have gone on a domestic subsidy binge — using...

Are we witnessing the end of capitalism? Has it ever been this bad? Do these charts show the end of capitalism? I guess that depends on how you look at things. The first chart tracks the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1920-1940, when the average went from...