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Afghanistan Tag

Gen. Stanley McChrystal was relieved of command in Afghanistan after an article in Rolling Stone magazine.The article widely was described as evidencing McChrystal's insubordination by criticizing the political leadership, but as I demonstrated, such explanation did not make a lot of sense. There were almost...

Rolling Stone magazine managed to bring down the commander of our forces in Afghanistan, disrupt the war effort, and embolden our enemies by disrupting the allied chain of command.For what? The article did not expose any facts whatsoever. There were no war crimes revealed, no...

That should be the headline of the day.Barack Obama has just announced that Gen. Stanley McChrystal has been relieved of command in Afghanistan based on an article in Rolling Stone which barely quoted McChrystal, but did include numerous inflammatory remarks by anonymous staffers and third-party...

..."I need you to lead us where I don't really want us to go."--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Has Anyone -- Including McChrystal -- Actually Read The Rolling Stone Article?Obama's Gulf Speech In One SentenceJewish History In One SentenceFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

The Rolling Stone article, The Runaway General, is generating extreme buzz and indignation based on descriptions in the mainstream media that in the article Gen. Stanley McChrystal harshly criticized Obama and others in the administration.Indeed, I relied on these reports for my post, Shinseki Hero,...

General Eric K. Shinseki was a hero to Democrats and the mainstream media because he publicly criticized the Bush administration on Iraq:In a contentious exchange over the costs of war with Iraq, the Pentagon's second-ranking official today disparaged a top Army general's assessment of the...

The U.N. is taking the first steps in a process which inevitably will lead to various U.N. agencies and international N.G.O.s claiming that the drone strikes ordered by the U.S. government constitute war crimes, as reported by The New York Times:A senior United Nations official...

As written by Rachel Porto, 23, widow of Cpl Jonathan Daniel Porto.As posted in The Washington Post on Mother's Day:A cassette tape is waiting for me. It sits in a small bubble mailer on my night table. It stares at me when I walk in...

Retired General James Jones, who is a senior national security advisor to the Obama administration, told a joke at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, regarding a Jew in the desert of Afghanistan who outwitted a member of the Taliban. The joke plays upon...

On March 14, 2010, Marine Corporal Jonathan Daniel Porto was killed in Afghanistan.Every loss of one of our soldiers is tragic, but this tragedy has hit home because Cpl. Porto's wife has posted about it at her blog, A Little Pink in a World of...

Iran is killing American and coalition soldiers in Afghanistan.And not because Israel issued a building permit for more homes in an already Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem.As reported by the Times of London, Iranians train Taliban to use roadside bombs:TALIBAN commanders have revealed that hundreds of...

Adam Gadahn has been captured, reportedly.Good. Period.This is a fight on which we all should be on the same side.But wait for it: This proves Obama's anti-terrorism strategy is better than Bush's -What, you mean working with your allies as opposed to trying to run...

Good news. The NY Times is reporting that the second in command of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Baradar, has been captured in Pakistan.The capture was undertaken by the Pakistanis with help from the CIA:Details of the raid remain murky, but officials said that it had...

Not by me. A comparison between Barack Obama and former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev is suggested by a blogger at Crooks and Liars, using this graphic to attack Obama's decision to increase U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan.The Soviets invaded Afghanistan to help prop up a...

Some more thoughts on the Obama Afghanistan speech, the morning after.I understood why Obama wanted to go to West Point to give the speech. It would show that he had the courage to give the speech directly to soldiers whose lives would be on the...

"A camel is a horse designed by a committee." That's the feeling I had listening to Obama's speech tonight about his military designs for Afghanistan.The speech followed pre-speech reports of Obama's plan. There were no substantive surprises, but Obama seemed truly moved by the decision...

Can't seem to get motivated to write in great detail about John Kerry's "hey, look, I just issued a report about George W. deliberately letting Osama go in Tora Bora, you know, the same argument I have been making for several years and which failed...

Obama's new Afghanistan strategy, to be announced formally next week, centers around the phrase "finish the job."That is an interesting concept. Seems simlar to "peace with honor," a very Nixonian phrase signaling that we will claim one thing (the dreaded "V" word) while accepting something...