Davos: Argentine President Milei Bashes Feminism, Socialism, and Collectivism
"Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution, the state is the problem itself...
"Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution, the state is the problem itself...
“Yet as the culture shifts, then they did, too, and to see how quickly that happens was the most concerning part”...
"Let’s keep protecting every Michigander’s fundamental freedom to make their own decision about their own body.” You know, except for the unborn human being. They don't get a say about what happens to their body....
“to give creatives a positive and generative experience of collaboration with abortion justice experts within the reproductive justice movement”...
“Dignity in Pregnancy & Childbirth: Preventing Racial Bias in Perinatal Care”...
"Notice all of the AGs who signed onto this letter are in abortion states. Clearly, Big Abortion is pulling the strings on their political campaign dollars."...
“[A]bortion rights are not something that are up for debate, or not something that should be talked about in a devil’s advocate type [of] way”...
Of course Newsom picks a huge abortion supporter....
"Bishop Brennon [sic] serves on the Pro-Life Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: an organization that distributes FALSE CLAIMS about abortion"...
"All you need to do is hop on social media and you’ll immediately be aware of the obstacles we face"...
"I know a lady in Florida named Penny, she survived multiple abortion attempts. She was left discarded in a pan. Fortunately, her grandmother saved her and brought her to a different hospital."...
The decision is sound but to distract from the facts and reasoning the media and left have to focus on the all male Supreme Court....
The order does NOT change access to the pill. SCOTUS has the final say when it receives the case, likely in 2024....
The proposal would have stopped an abortion amendment that allows abortion up to 23 to 24 weeks is on the November ballot....
Illinois law penalizes advocating against abortion: “SB 1909 is both stupid and very likely unconstitutional.”...
Ridiculous and disgusting, even for a pro-abortion state like Illinois....
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