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I posted numerous times before about the alleged ambiguity in the New START Treaty language regarding missile defense, and how in the rush for a lame duck, pre-Christmas ratification, the Senate ignored differences in interpretation rather than seek clarification from the Russians. The Russians consistently had...

I do not think you listened to the State of the Union Address very carefully.  How do I know that you were not listening carefully? Well, I bet you thought Obama said that one of the benefits of the New START Treaty would be that...

The New START Treaty follies continue. As posted here before, in order to obtain Senate ratification, the Obama administration offered certain understandings of disputed language in the Treaty regarding defensive missile systems.  Such interpretations were inconsistent with prior Russian statements as to what the Russians...

Item No. 1. Obama hailed the new spirit of cooperation between the United States and Russia on a host of international issues, including Iran, through the signing of a nuclear arms reduction treaty: “This ceremony is a testament to the truth that old adversaries can...

While the Obama administration considers pulling back on continuing to develop technology to provide a missile shield for Europe and beyond, the Iranians have made important developments in missile technology. This is not coming from Chas Freeman’s dreaded Israel lobby, but from a Russian military...

President Barack Obama’s proposal to give up the missile shield program for Russia’s help on halting Iran’s nuclear weapons program ended badly. The Russians rejected any link. Obama then denied there ever was a link. I have a better idea. Let’s propose that we give...