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I was in the car most of the day, so I haven’t had a chance to post on the Ben Nelson sellout. So here are some initial thoughts: Yes, it is that bad. The Democrats are about to put in place the legislative, regulatory and...

Not Sarah Palin, Not Republicans in Congress. Nat Hentoff: I try to avoid hyperbole, but I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had. An example is ObamaCare, which is now embattled in the Senate. If that goes through...

Michael Moore is calling for a boycott of Connecticut because of Joe Lieberman. Yes, the whole state is persona non grata because Independent Joe acted like Independent Joe: “People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country? We hold u responsible. Start recall of...

Another day, another exposé by a British newspaper about the failure of nationalized health care. This time, it’s the left-wing The Guardian reflecting on how delays in cancer care cause 10,000 unnecessary deaths each year compared to other European countries: Up to 10,000 people die...

In my post the other day, Berkeley Students Should Be Protesting Obamacare, I made the point that the Berkeley student protesters were too stupid to realize that their future was being sold out from under them under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care restructuring plans because younger...

It gets curiouser and curiouser. Yesterday, Mary Landrieu closed the deal for a payoff to Louisiana in exchange for her vote to let Harry Reid’s health care restructuring bill go to Senate floor debate. The deal had been negotiated over weeks, with initial reports putting...

Is it possible to pay more than 100% of your last dollar of income in taxes? And if it were, would you bother to earn that last dollar? Herein lies the key to how Democrats will obtain a permanent, economically-enslaved majority if universal income-based health...

Last night was a great night for Democrats. At least if the only world you live in is the left-wing blogosphere. Democrats won the 23rd District in upstate NY by 4 points in a race torn apart by a liberal Republican mistake named Dede Scozzafava,...

The pre-weekend information dump included an announcement by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department that the federal government proposes to extend its control over pay packages beyond financial institutions which received bailout funds. According to the press release, the government proposes to monitor and, if...

Alan Grayson, Democratic Congressman from Florida, is building his claim to fame on the accusation that 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health insurance. Grayson even has started a website to count the dead. Grayson bases this number on a study released by...

With each passing day, I am becoming more and more convinced that the Obama administration’s sustained and crude attacks on Fox News are a big diversion. Sure, the attacks on Fox News are unprecedented in the post-Nixon era. Barack Milhous Obama may not be change...

The Obama media team handed out white coats to pro-Obama doctors who attended a pro-Obamacare rally at the White House yesterday. Can you imagine what would have happened if Republicans handed out white coats to anti-Obamacare doctors? The race card addicts would have screamed that...

Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) made news this week by joining the chorus of fear-mongering Democrats who suggest that those opposing Democratic health care restructuring proposals are prone to violence. As reported The Providence Journal: “My family’s seen it up close too much with assassinations and violence...

Barack Obama was interviewed tonight on 60 Minutes by Steve Kroft. This little nugget had been previewed in pre-interview press hype. Obama states that he will be held accountable by voters if health care restructuring fails, but in fact just the opposite is true: I...

Life in the blogosphere is not fair. For weeks I have been beating the drum about the IRS being involved in our health care under Democratic proposals: IRS The New Health Care Enforcer (August 14, 2009). I greatly appreciated the links from InstaPundit, American Thinker,...

Mathew Yglesias is one of the leading liberal bloggers pushing ObamaCare KennedyCare. Since every Senate vote counts, Yglesias and other KennedyCare promoters need to justify the Massachusetts legislature’s pending flip-flop on how to select a successor to Ted Kennedy, to allow the Democratic Governor to...

Camille Paglia, a supporter of Barack Obama, gets it (emphasis mine): As a libertarian and refugee from the authoritarian Roman Catholic church of my youth, I simply do not understand the drift of my party toward a soulless collectivism. This is in fact what Sarah...