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1) The innocence of the Obama administration Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on September 14, 2012: Remarks by #SecClinton at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to Honor Those Lost in Attacks in Benghazi, #Libya — Department of State (@StateDept) September 14, 2012 This has...

1) More fallout over the Samira Ibrahim selection Robert Mackey has established himself as an anti-Israel activist. Following last week’s revelation that Egyptian activist Samira Ibrahim had been making antisemitic and anti-American comments, Mackey was back in business. He asked, Samuel Tadros, the scholar who...

People who work in sales often rely on leads.  The better the source of the lead, the better the lead itself.  So when your lead comes from the President of the United States and his Secretary of State, you’d be foolish not to follow up...

With the Republican primary taking up all the oxygen, other issues of importance have been flying under the radar. One such issue is our peace initiative in Afghanistan. The Obama administration has decided to engage Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef as a conduit to the Taliban...

Barack Obama’s insistence that Israel cease all building in Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, calling such neighborhoods “settlements,” raises an interesting question. Who are the settlers in Jerusalem? A good example of the lack of clarity over Palestinian claims to Jerusalem is found in prominent...