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"She was a symptom of a deeper problem at Harvard and many other elite schools..., which is that they have embraced a racialization of education under the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is poisonous throughout the system. It takes away from merit, it takes away from advancement of all people equally without regard to race. And she was a big advocate of that.”

We're not "just a blog" anymore, but the blog is where my heart always will be.

We didn’t just warn about the pernicious and corrosive effects of CRT and DEI that now are exploding on campuses. We documented the threat more deeply than anyone else. With facts and data.

My appearance on the Mark Reardon Show about antisemitism on campuses: "Jews end up becoming a proxy for everything that these groups hate about our own society. So if you did one of Kamala Harris's Venn diagrams and you had things that were over overlapping ... anti-American, anti-Capitalist, anti-Israel, there is a huge overlap."