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At congressional hearings today, it was revealed that IRS planted question at ABA mtg disclosing targeting of conservatives via communications between Celia Roady, a tax lawyer who asked the question, and Lois Lerner of the IRS who was on an ABA panel.  Roady has a deep...

Hearings are scheduled today before Darrell Issa’s committee. I thought that Roger L. Simon was going a bit overboard late last week. New RLS blog #TCOT Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched — Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) May 4, 2013 Even Simon acknowledged that his...

1) Friedman resurrects “Fayyadism” Some time ago, Thomas Friedman coined the term “Fayyadism,” a concept that, according to Nathan Brown, never had a chance. Why Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad never had a chance to meet the high expectations placed on him — Foreign...

1) Bursting the balloon When I saw the following headline at the Baltimore Jewish Times I was worried, ” J Street Carved Out A Place In The U.S.-Israel Advocacy.” The article, written by managing editor, Maayan Jaffe starts by faithfully recounting all of J-Streets claims....

A California state senator has cooked-up a bill that combines: New York City’s nanny-state “Big Gulp” bans.  Small businesses fees to pay for excessive compliance requirements. Distribution of power to unelected bureaucrats to enforce the vaguely worded legislation. Talk about recipe for failure! Steven Frank’s...

1) How to fight asymmetric warfare Once again Charles Enderlein and Philipe Karsenty are back in court. Enderlein was the reporter who created the story of Mohammed al-Dura. Karsenty is the media critic who had the temerity to question the much honored “journalist.” Back in...

1) The apology The Washington Post reported Obama ends Israel visit by brokering end to dispute with Turkey: Prodded by President Obama, Israel and Turkey agreed Friday to end a three-year rift caused by a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish ship bound for...

1) When elephants crash land Recently, I brought up an example of how Professor Barry Rubin handled a mistake. First he admitted it. Then he explained the forces involved. His behavior showed a few things. 1) He is serious about what he has written. 2)...

1) More on AIPAC In addition to explaining how the two organizers put together the AIPAC conference, Tablet has a symposium, Do we still need a pro-Israel lobby? Though there are some good responses, the presence of Rebecca Vilkomerson and Alan Elsner as respondents is disappointing. Vilkomerson...

1) Taking the lede in blaming Israel A number of bloggers have commented on the anti-Israel remarks made by Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan last week. Fortunatly, Secretary of State, John Kerry and others rebuked Turkey. Here’s how the New York Times’ anti-Israel blogger Robert Mackey provided context for the remarks: The Turkish prime minister has expressed...

A professor at Harvard has applied her behavioral science background to the use of the “sequestration” tactic in an article, “The Strange Behavioral Logic of the Sequester Stalemate.” She uses the somewhat forced nature of the upcoming automatic spending cuts and compares elements of the...

California made a move yesterday that makes about as much sense as throwing away your telescope to get back at that meteor for hitting Russia. And yet, in California, it’s strictly business as usual (via LA Times): The nation’s biggest public pension fund is taking a...