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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



In 2018, Pelosi promised seven House Democrats she would back "term limits for the top three Democratic leaders" so she could get the votes to make her Speaker of the House. The promise meant Pelosi could not remain Speaker after 2022. Oh, look. Pelosi is likely breaking...

Welcome to our coverage of the Kim Potter manslaughter trial over the April 11, 2021, shooting death of Daunte Wright in a suburb of Minneapolis, when then-police officer Potter accidentally used her Glock 17 pistol in place of her intended Taser.

My presentation at the Parents Unite conference: "Framing the narrative, I think at this stage, is really counter-framing the narrative, because we are up against an extremely organized and well-funded movement to push euphemistically called 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,' and race-based teaching throughout education."...