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1) Friedman resurrects “Fayyadism” Some time ago, Thomas Friedman coined the term “Fayyadism,” a concept that, according to Nathan Brown, never had a chance. Why Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad never had a chance to meet the high expectations placed on him — Foreign...

1) Egyptian plagues Last week Zvi Mazel wrote in the Jerusalem Post (h/t Leslie Eastman) In a remarkable and enduring show of unity, non-Islamic opposition parties under the banner of the National Salvation Front are boycotting the regime until their demands – canceling the Islamic...

I have an update on a legal hearing involving UCLA’s Dr. James Enstrom, whose brave whistleblowing actions involving the school’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences cost him his job. William Creeley, the Director of Legal and Public Advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights in...

This story ran on March 1, but it’s worth highlighting. Duke Energy just forgave $10 in debt owed it by the Democratic National Committee related to the 2012 national convention in Charlotte. Via The Charlotte Observer, Duke Energy won’t be repaid $10 million from DNC...

1) Being a reporter means never having to say you’re sorry The New York Times has reported on the UN report that raised doubts about the death of Omar Masharawi. Isabel Kershner wrote U.N. Ties Gaza Baby’s Death to Palestinians: Paul Danahar, the BBC Middle...

Thomas K. Brown, a banking industry analyst and investor, writing at, makes a point similar to what I made in my post, Elizabeth Warren’s heroic Senate demagoguery, that Warren’s Banking Committee YouTube performance was pure political grandstanding without substance or legitimate regulatory purpose. As with...

Thomas Jefferson thought that the best insurance against future tyrannies was an educated populace.  Historical ignorance is a petri dish that grows a lot of strange and destructive ideas. To wit: Silvio Berlusconi. Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy’s political left on...

A couple of days ago I charitably described Andrew Cohen’s embarrassingly gushing celebration of Justice Sonia Sotomayor and her new book in The Atlantic as “treacly drool.” It is not alone, accompanied now by a full court liberal press (NPR, CBS News, the New York...

Who demands purity and wants chaos? Harry Reid who refused to bring House bills to a vote in the Senate? Nope. Obama, whose Treasury Secretary took to the airwaves to proclaim that Obama “absolutely” was willing to go over the cliff if tax rates were not...

The Founding Fathers owned slaves.  We knew that, didn’t we? Slavery was an institution in many places in the world, including the newly formed United States.  It took a generation and a civil war to end it here, long before it was ended elsewhere. That...

A liberal feeding frenzy over Ann Coulter's appearance intimidated the University and pressured the College Republicans to cancel

As a co-founder of one of the largest California Tea Party groups (SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition), I often am asked why I choose to remain a registered Democrat. In part, it is because the state Republican party doesn’t inspire much confidence. Or, as I like...

I am and always have been a liberal. I was raised to revere the Democratic party and feel contempt for the party of Richard Nixon (as well as the man himself). Democrats, everyone agreed, were freer spirits.  Uptight Republicans, everyone agreed, lighted cigars with hundred-dollar...