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Didn’t make the Top 25 Conservatives on Twitter.  Or the 100 Conservatives Most Hated By The Left.  Or even the People Minnesota Liberals Hate Most. But thanks to Dan Collins, I have a special place reserved on the Island of Misfit Bloggers. Also known as,...

Martha Coakley refuses to debate Scott Brown one-on-one. Coakley is the front-runner with better name recognition, so she has much to lose from debating Brown one-on-one. But Coakley has even more to lose from not having the courage to take on Brown. Put together with...

Will Newsweek ever stop trying to get attention by declaring things coming to an end? First it was the end of Christian America. Then the end of the recession. Now the end of monogamy as the basis for socially acceptable relationships, in a lead article...

Gary Margolis, Executive Director of College Mental Health Services and Associate Professor in the English Department at Middlebury College in Vermont was moved to pen a poem in support of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The poem was titled “Ajar” and was published at the Boston...

For the past several Supreme Court nominations, the hot issue has been abortion. Whether a nominee supported Roe v. Wade was the litmus test, both for conservatives and liberals. Predictably, nominees shied away from opining on whether they would vote to uphold either the outcome...

By trickling out bits and pieces of top secret memoranda regarding interrogation of al-Qaeda terrorists, Barack Obama thought he would have the best of all worlds. Obama believed that exposing the dark side of the war on terror would ingratiate us with the world. At...

Texas Governor Rick Perry said that he doesn’t think Texas should secede from the U.S. Here is Perry’s quote: We got a great Union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know,...

Liberal bloggers and media groups can’t get the Tea Party phenomenon out of their heads. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, to them. Ordinary people getting together to protest against the liberal establishment. There is a cognitive disconnect. There must be a plot; the...