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The Great Unpaid: The Joke’s on NBC: SNL interns join class action suit seeking unpaid wages American U. Student: Unpaid internships exacerbate inequality U. of Arizona Student: Paid internships should be the rule, not the exception (from the Legal Insurrection archives) Elizabeth Warren pays interns...

Under direct testimony John Good testified that the black man wearing the black hoodie was straddling the man in the white or red sweatshirt “MMA-style” and rained down blows in a “Ground-and-Pound” style of attack.   It seems possible that this line of questioning may...

Tomorrow will be a busy law day. 1.  Zimmerman Trial Opening Statement and Prosecution case– 9 a.m. We’ll have our live coverage, including video embed and live Twitter stream, as well as commentary during the day and in an end-of-day wrap up from Andrew Branca. ...

Fighting the conservative media on Newt, including attempts to strip Newt of his accomplishments and history. Defending Rush against Media Matters and StopRush. Helping advance Mia Love to national attention. Fighting the false racial narrative in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Helping to defeat Richard Lugar....

And it goes on, and on, and on. Any notion that the pathetic racial politics which drive Democrats would relax post-election were shattered immediately.  There is a sickness in the Democratic Party and media which just seems to get worse and worse. It’s bad enough...

The comment section has become ugly lately particularly as regards posts regarding the Zimmerman case. You all know who you are. I hate having to do this, but anyone who engages in personal attacks on other commenters or tries to publish personal information about other...

I was interviewed for the Roderick Dean Show. We covered a variety of subjects, including Geroge Zimmerman, some background about me, and Legal Insurrection in general. I also answer the mystery surrounding what is a “clinical law professor.” Listen to internet radio with Roderic Deane...

I posted videos of George Zimmerman’s reenactment and lie detector test Thursday. That video reenactment is considered pretty helpful to Zimmerman, as it is consistent with other known evidence.   Jeralyn at TalkLeft (h/t Instapundit) makes the distinction between variations and differences: There may be many variations...

MSNBC in the form of Andrea Mitchell and guest Chris Cillizza of WaPo had a good laugh over video of Mitt Romney saying it’s “amazing” that WaWa markets in Pennsylvania have automated sandwich machines. Ha, Ha, what an out of touch dolt. But that’s not...

Rodney King died today. He was a tragic figure. I don’t blame him for any of the violence which took place after the policemen charged with assaulting him were found not guilty.  An interesting resource on the court case is here.  I discussed how the...

Angela Corey is the special prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case. Yesterday, Alan Dershowitz alleged that Corey threatened to sue for libel based on Dershowitz’s criticisms of Corey’s handling of the Zimmerman case, particularly the decision to charge 2nd Degree murder and the alleged failure...

Well said: Aaron Walker, victim: How Brett Kimberlin Tried to Frame Me for a Crime (And How You Can Help!) Robert Stacy McCain does some fine journalism: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Lonely Conservative call to action: Calling All Conservative Bloggers – The Army of...

The big news in the Trayvon Martin case, ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting: A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that...

I’ll have updates on tonight’s primaries if anything interesting happens. But since I’ll be sitting in a dark room with the door locked and the window shades drawn imagining it’s 1971, please only disturb me if it’s really important, like if it turns out Obama...

McMillan International and its affiliates, based in Arizona, manufacture a variety of rifles and accessories, including highly regarding sniper rifles. A reader called to my attention a Facebook post by McMillan alleging that Bank of America terminated its lending relationship for political reasons based on McMillan’s...