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Barack Obama has come under criticism not only for his silence for several days, but also his failure to issue more forceful words of support for the protest movement in Iran. Others counter that more forceful words of support would be counter productive, that there...

Barack Obama is spinning his public health plan option today as just another way of helping preserve the private insurance system. According to Obama, the existence of a public plan will provide healthy competition for private insurers, and will not be the first step toward...

Election result are in from Lebanon, and the pro-Western “March 14” parties are the big winner: The March 14 alliance clinched around 70 out of 128 seats, maintaining its majority in parliament after defeating the Hizbullah-led alliance in Sunday’s crucial elections. Celebrations broke out in...

I didn’t know what the term “shorter” meant until I started blogging. A “shorter” is someone who exaggerates someone else’s opinion, or creates a false choice between two extremes. Back in the day, such form of argument would be called setting up a “strawman.” As...

On December 9, 2008, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald held an emergency press conference to announce a criminal complaint against then Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. While there were many accusations, the most prominent and inflammatory was that Blagojevich attempted to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat...

On May 20, 2009, John Bolton wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal titled “Get Ready for Another North Korean Nuke Test” in which he noted that the complacency of the Obama administration about North Korea’s nuclear ambitions (and Iran’s) was misplaced: “The curtain...

We are in the process of nationalizing and/or federalizing vast stretches of our economy, including the auto industry, banks, and health care. Individual property rights have taken a back seat to political priorities. I am against this trampling of individual property rights, which are the...

My post the other day, MSNBC Hides Obama’s Dijon Mustard (aka Dijongate), has hit a nerve unlike anything else I have written. The post concerned the lunch trip of Obama and Biden to a burger shop to get a “Hell Burger.” I accept that this...

I was critical of Senator Susan Collins of Maine for her support of Obama’s stimulus plan. But Collins did not deserve to be charged with contributing to the possible swine flu pandemic, which is a charge leveled against her and spread throughout the internet and...

Bill Roggio, who runs a great website, The Long War Journal, has been reporting for months on the steady increase in the power of the Pakistani Taliban, who are approaching the capital of Islamabad. What is most frightening is that the Taliban also are approaching...

I have been waiting for this day, when one of the demonized executives at a bank or insurance company would tell Congress to “take this job and shove it.” The person singing this song today is Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American...

Note: This is a cross-post with Gay Patriot. I ask the question, they give the answer.—————————————————There is a peculiar, somewhat uniquely, Jewish phenomenon. It’s called worrying about what is “bad for the Jews.” Many have noted this phenomenon before, so I don’t claim originality here....

Larry Summers, Obama’s chief economic adviser, says we must overcome the “excess of fear”: President Barack Obama’s top economic adviser said Friday the nation’s economic crisis has led to an ”excess of fear” among Americans that must be broken to reverse the downturn. National Economic...

Adding to the disrespect shown visiting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the Brits are upset once again because the U.S. Department of Treasury is not answering their phone calls on preparations for the upcoming G20 Summit: The head of the civil service, Sir Gus [O’Donnell]...

What to Do About John C. Yoo? That is the question posed in a Wall Street Journal Law Blog post. The post is quite fair and balanced; after all, it’s not a NY Times post. But the post does discuss a front-page NY Times article...

Back in the day, when the alpha male Clinton roamed the White House, the high tech stock bubble grew, and grew, and grew. That bubble began to burst in March 2000, nine months before “W” took office, and caused the S&P; 500 to head almost...

Obama’s fear mongering is well documented. Crisis, catastrophe, “since the Great Depression” and similar terminology are part of the plan to push through Obama’s agenda. But do the words cause economic harm, or are the words merely a reflection of a declining economy? In other...