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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Louis Susman of Chicago was nicknamed "the vacuum cleaner" because he was so good at cleaning out the pockets of the wealthy to get them to give to Democratic causes and candidates. As noted on this blog last February, Susman was in line for ambassadorship...


The New York Times has an article today about Sonia Sotomayor's board membership at the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEP) starting in the 1980s until she joined the federal judiciary in 1992. According to the article, Sotomayor was far from a passive...

Barack Obama campaigned on the theme of a new era of transparency. Obama used that theme as a justification for the release of four highly classified internal Justice Department memos detailing strategies for interrogation of al-Qaeda detainees, over the objections of Obama's own Director of...

On December 9, 2008, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald held an emergency press conference to announce a criminal complaint against then Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. While there were many accusations, the most prominent and inflammatory was that Blagojevich attempted to sell Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat...

A federal lawsuit has been filed challenging Proposition 8 (via Instapundit and Volokh Conspiracy). The lawsuit was filed last Friday, May 22, 2009, by noted Republican attorney Ted Olson, and noted Democratic attorney David Boies. Olson and Boies were on opposite sides of the landmark...

The California Supreme Court has issued a split ruling, upholding Proposition 8 but also upholding the validity of gay marriages which took place prior to passage of Prop. 8.Proposition 8 enshrined in the California Constitution the traditional definition of marriage, providing that only marriages between...

In an earlier post, I noted how one Huffington Post blogger, Allison Kilkenny, had called John Bolton "crazy" just five days ago for warning that North Korea was on the verge of another nuclear test. I wondered whether there would be an apology in light...

On May 20, 2009, John Bolton wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal titled "Get Ready for Another North Korean Nuke Test" in which he noted that the complacency of the Obama administration about North Korea's nuclear ambitions (and Iran's) was misplaced:"The curtain is...

When the NY Times takes Obama to task, I am always a little suspicious. Will this be a "he's not perfect, but at least he's not Bush" type of critique; a compliment disguised as a criticism.So I don't know what to make of this piece...

Gateway Pundit has a good update on the murder of Ilan Halimi:Ilan was lured to his death by a woman he had met in his telephone store. They met up late on the night of January 20, 2006, in one of Paris's southern suburbs, Bagneux....

The latest internet outrage-bubble started with a post at Politico titled RNC's below-the-belt shot at Nancy Pelosi, regarding a Republican National Committee YouTube video about Nancy Pelosi. I agree with AllahPundit that the RNC should not have produced the video, among other reasons, because "they...

In response to those who want Dick Cheney to "shut the hell up," a group in favor of "telling Dick Cheney to keep talking."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Put aside the merits of the two speeches by Barack Obama and Dick Cheney. What is interesting is the timing. I think Toby Harnden has an interesting observation:But the very fact that Obama chose to schedule his speech (Cheney's was announced first) at exactly the...

Obama is giving his speech now on the issue of terrorist detention policy and the closing of Gitmo. I'll leave it to others to parse all aspects of the speech, although it is clear that the overriding theme is: "It's not my fault, blame Bush."...

Harry Reid made the following statement yesterday regarding the Democrats' flip-flop on closing the prison at Guantanomo Bay, and bringing the detainees to prisons in the United States. Reid rejected the idea, stating:"Can't put them in prison unless you release them."The internal inconsistency of the...

We are in the process of nationalizing and/or federalizing vast stretches of our economy, including the auto industry, banks, and health care. Individual property rights have taken a back seat to political priorities.I am against this trampling of individual property rights, which are the foundation...

The controversy over Nancy Pelosi's accusation that the CIA repeatedly misled her and Congress as to detainee interrogation has taken a new turn: Word games.What Pelosi knew, when she knew it, and what she did in reaction, rightly has become a center of attention because...