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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


So this is what it comes to. After eight years of protesters hanging George Bush in effigy, calling him a Nazi, disrupting conservative speeches on campuses by taking over stages or throwing pies, creating websites and movies that wished for Bush's death, and a myriad...


The much ballyhooed Cash for Clunkers program has had the unintended consequences of driving up the cost of new and used vehicles and used auto parts, according to independent studies of the auto markets. The Cash for Clunkers program demonstrates the danger of government trying...

An article in the NY Times, Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security, deserves a special place in the annals of journalism in the service of liberal politics. The thrust of the article is that global climate change "could" cause massive geopolitical disruption in...

Barack Obama's penchant for creating strawman arguments is trickling down, way down. The argument now is that since government delivers water to our faucets, maintains roads, and regulates the electric grid, anyone who opposes a government take over of our health system hates modern life:I...

Oliver Willis: Steve Benen tries to understand just why wingnuts are so angry about health care reform. He doesn’t make bad points, but its so much simpler than that. We on the left think that rage has to be somewhat rational, for instance we raged...

Sarah Palin has kicked off (another) firestorm of criticism because of the statement she released on her Facebook page:The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health...

One of the benefits of the current turmoil over health care restructuring is finding hypocrisy in the hyperbole being used against opponents of health care restructuring.From John Marshall of Talking Points Memo, August 7, 2009:Most significant here is not the right-wing liars and demagogues making...

New low. The firefighter care is played, as in, people who do not support unsustainable public union contracts which are sinking state and municipal budgets, or who do not support health care restructuring which will sink the federal budget, must hate firefighters:As I'm watching a...

The big economic news of the day is that the unemployment rate dropped one-tenth of one percent. The Obama administration is hailing this as the start of a turnaround and a sign that the stimulus spending is working, something of the end of the beginning...

"It's War."So screams left-wing blogger Zandar feeding off of the frenzied writings of Washington Post columnist Steven Pearlstein, who declared health care protesters "political terrorists." To make sure we didn't miss the point, Zandar put the words in bold type. The blog is Zandar Versus...

Washington Post business hysteria-generating columnist Steven Pearlstein has declared that opponents of Democratic health care restructuring are "political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems." Oh, okay, next time...

Iranian/American dual citizen Kian Tajbakhsh has a Ph.D in Urban Planning from Columbia University. Tajbakhsh was arrested in Iran in early July as part of a crackdown by the Iranian regime on moderates and leaders of the protest movement.Last week, Tajbakhsh and approximately 100 other...

Snooze. Phillip Kennicott at The Washington Post engages in detailed analysis and comparison of Joker posters picturing Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Barack Obama. The analysis is contrived in the extreme and worthy of the worst Kremlinologists, who extrapolated the Soviet power structure by watching...

Much has been written about the Cash-for-Clunkers program, where people are given money by the federal government to trade up their older cars for newer models. The initial $1 billion likely will be increased by another $2 billion.The press reports reflect hundreds of thousands of...

While protests against Democractic plans to restructure the health care system are growing by the day, the campaign to malign such protesters has not caught on at all at the grassroots.The campaign to create a sense of outrage against the protesters is not working, despite...

The health care protesters are thugs and a mob and astroturf and terrorists and Birthers and harassers and manufactured and frightening and vicious and "Karl Rove's wet dream."Did I mention a mob, terrorists and astroturf?UPDATE: Now we know who operates the Victrola (h/t American Power)--------------------------------------------Related...

Tiny Honduras is holding out against Manuel Zelaya, Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Barack Obama, the Organization of American States, and the United Nations.The economic and military sanctions imposed by the U.S. and international organizations with U.S. support are taking a toll on the Honduran economy....