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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The new topic of the week is the ugly campaign by CNN's Rick Sanchez, the head of the NFL players union, a variety of loony left-wing blogs, Al Sharpton, and the George Soros crowd, to prevent Rush Limbaugh from being part of a group purchasing...


The TaxProf has come out with his quarterly rankings of blogs run by law professors based on annual traffic (so it's an annual ranking updated quarterly), and I'm eligible for the first time since this blog is just 1 year old. I'm pleased to debut...

Proving the "six degress of separation" thing, the left-wing blogosphere is having the type of hissy fit they usually attribute to the right-wing blogosphere. All because an NBC reporter, John Harwood, made this comment about the gay-rights protesters in Washington who are objecting to Barack...

Why am I still writing about the foolishness of the Nobel Peace Prize being given to Barack Obama? Maybe it's because there still are people writing strained justifications for what everyone knows to be unjustifiable.Now this from John Nichols at The Nation: Obama deserved and...

There is one supreme Democratic idiocy in the health care debate which has not received enough attention. The entire focus of the Democratic proposals -- whether HR3200, the Senate HELP Committee bill, the Baucus Concepts, or the Obama non-plan -- is to increase the cost...

From the Preface to the 1852 Edition of Charles MacKay's Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (caps in original):IN READING THE HISTORY OF NATIONS, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and...

Karl Marx famously wrote that "history always repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, and the second as farce."Barack Obama has reversed these historical forces. With Obama, farce repeats itself as history.As a neophyte politician, Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate when he...

Received this e-mail from a "fan":Sir, just what are you doing for world peace other than complaining about the Nobel selection of Barack Obama?Well, complaining about the lunatic award of a peace prize to someone who never brought peace to anything was a pretty good...

My initial reaction to Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize was that this was Obamamania gone wild. That's part of it.But I think there is more to it. The internationalists have tied Obama's hands. Will Obama continue ordering drones to bomb houses in Pakistan? Will...

Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? Peace in Afghanistan? Peace in Iraq? Peace in the Middle East? Nope.How about peace in Chicago, Honduras, Detroit, or somewhere? Nope.What a joke. Was Chris Matthews on the committee?What an embarrassment to the Nobel Peace Prize...

The Congressional Budget Office released its Monthly Budget Report for fiscal year 2009. Most of the news reports have focused on the deficit numbers, up to $1.4 trillion: CBO estimates that the federal budget deficit was about $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009, $950 billion...

Ezra Klein, in his post Don't Read The Bill!, defends Max Baucus' plan to have the Senate Finance Committee vote on the Chairman's mark, which is a summary of provisions which eventually could be reduced to legislative language. Klein writes that people should not read...

The CBO is doing its best to score the Baucus Health Care Concepts (it's not a Bill), but it really is an exercise in hypothesis and speculation, and not only because there is no actual legislation.The main problem is that the Baucus Concepts make assumptions...

You can find an e-mail submission form for Maine Senator Olympia Snowe by clicking here.Snowe is the key vote on the Senate Finance Committee because she is the only Republican on the Committee who might vote in favor of the non-Bill markup language. If Snowe...

The internet is alive with the sound of people analyzing the CBO's "scoring" of the Max Baucus aka Senate Finance Committee Health Care Bill. Before everyone gets too deeply into their thoughts, please keep in mind the following (get ready, all CAPS, bold, indented signifies...

As pointed out here first, the Democratic health care restructuring plans put the IRS in the forefront of health care mandate enforcement (the Democratic HELP Committee version even gives the IRS the ability to set mandate tax rates -- why is no one talking about...