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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Talk about spin, the headlines are screaming 69 law school deans endorse Kagan in letter to Senate:The deans of more than one-third of the nation's law schools have endorsed Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court, issuing a public letter that praises her legal analysis,...


..."So that's what it's like to play President."--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's Gulf Speech In One SentenceArkansas Primary Result in 28 CharactersJewish History In One SentenceFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

..."I don't know where I'm going, but follow me anyway." --------------------------------------------Related Posts:Is It His Katrina Yet?"Eight Days In April," by Paul KrugmanObama - "The Historic Gulf Speech" LiveFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Live at 8 p.m. HERE, because it will be more fun to be among friends than to listen very carefully to the "words, just words."(If you want your brilliant thoughts preserved for eternity, you still can leave a comment to this post.)Obama - The Historic...

I also think he should have to write "I am sorry for being a mean person" 200 times on the blackboard, then wash his mouth out with soap, then sit in the corner with a dunce cap on. I am open to other suggestions.Via Renee...

In advance of Barack Obama's presidential address tonight on the Gulf oil spill, it is reasonable to consider the following possibilities (vote only once, this isn't Chicago):(Poll closed, final pre-speech results below) Question 1: How many times will Obama mention that the Deepwater Horizon platform...

Helen Thomas' comments that Jews in Israel should go back to Poland and Germany perpetuated the falsehood that Israel is a European implant, which fits nicely into the narrative of the Islamist-Leftist anti-Israel coalition.In fact, as I documented before, there was an exchange of populations...

Public sector unions just won a huge victory in Rhode Island, with the signing into law of legislation denying municipalities the ability to file for state receivership as a means of renegotiating unsustainable union contracts.I previously highlighted the state receivership filing by the City of...

Requires no further comment, Obama Descecrates Right-Wing Christmas: Really, Mr. President, don't you know that right-wingers love 9/11, and hold it sacred? It's their favorite day of the year, their favorite day in living history; every year, 9/11 fills them with the unsurpassable bliss of...

The button.An artifact from a bygone era.When trills and tingles ran up legs.When the rise of the oceans began to slow.And our planet to heal.Now, even MoDo refuses to wear the button.Because now, cool is just annoying.Update: Daniel Hannon now refuses to wear the button.--------------------------------------------Related...

There is something profoundly bass ackwards in the way Obama is reacting to the disaster in the Gulf.Obama keeps focusing on legal liability:President Obama will use his first Oval Office speech Tuesday night to outline a plan to legally compel BP to create an escrow...

One of my daughters is graduating college today. And she has a job! So one less tuition to pay, and she's almost off my payroll. It feels like 5 O'clock, all day: -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Sunday Morning Dance Party Early Sunday Morning In New York Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this one. The NAACP is upset because a Hallmark talking graduation card uses the term "black ho" in it, as in...

Predictions sometimes do come true. Just not this time.Someone must be very disappointed. You know who you are. I bet you think this post is about you, don't you, don't you? Hispanic Voters' Preferences Unchanged Post-Arizona LawHispanic voters nationwide haven't shifted their congressional voting preferences...

While Bill Halter's failed attempt to unseat Blanche Lincoln understandably has received all the media attention, there is a congressional race in Massachusetts in which labor is trying to unseat a politically incorrect (i.e., not sufficiently liberal) Democratic incumbent.Steve Lynch is a Democrat in the...

I originally saw this video linked a while ago at Israellycool.Now that it has gone viral (over 750,000 YouTube views as of this writing), with further links by Jeffrey Goldberg and an explanation of what it all means at The NY Review of Books (slow...

"Elections have consequences.""Democracy is messy""Every vote counts, so count every vote.""If we ignore votes, we ignore democracy.""Yes we can."Any other cliches we can throw at the Democrats who want to negate the Historic nomination of Alvine Greene and disenfranchise voters, like they tried to do...