Debt Ceiling Tweet of the Day
Okay, yesterday, but the point is the same. Thanks to SoccerDad for the link to this tweet by James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal: ...
Okay, yesterday, but the point is the same. Thanks to SoccerDad for the link to this tweet by James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal: ...
One of the great unwritten stories of the damage to the economy from team Obama is the relentless attempt to regulate areas that have not previously been regulated. The health care mandate received a lot of attention and breaks new ground, but there are countless other...
Some more on where we stand in the wake of the debt deal. Jeffrey Lord has a piece in The American Spectator which is getting a lot of play, Tipping Point: Thanks to the Tea Party movement, Conservatism is on the verge of a major victory that...
I was most interested in the discussion (starting around 3:15) about whether the debt deal was a victory: Watch the latest video at
Roger Cohen of The NY Times and other journalists were smitten with the Egyptian revolution, and denounced warnings of what lurked below the surface: (February 3, 2011) Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for...
So much for all the talk of civility. In one of the most deranged columns yet (and that's saying a lot for NY Times columnists), Joe Nocera unleashed an unhinged attack on the Tea Party movement, calling Tea Partiers terrorists, jihadists and suicide bombers: You know what they say:...
If you have been hanging around here, you would be aware of the problems of Central Falls, RI, about which I've been posting since March. So it will come as no surprise that Central Falls, weighed down by unsustainable union contracts and pension costs made worse...
Pep Talk. Pep Talk 2. Pep Talk 3: The debt ceiling fight and "deal" were emotional, and many of you have been left feeling let down or betrayed. Relations among people who agree on the goal but not the strategy have been strained. But keep things in perspective. Just months ago Obama...
Thanks to reader Mark who writes: My family and I saw these entertaining window stickers while driving Sunday night on US highway 20 north of Idaho Falls. Don't worry, we were safe -- my wife snapped the photo while I drove. Likely story. ...
The House of Representatives just passed the debt ceiling bill. Democrats played games, holding back their votes to see how many Republicans were voting in favor, hoping to minimize the number of Democrats who had to vote in favor in order for it to pass. With...
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The House is expected to vote between 6:30-8:00 tonight. Everything will be okay. There will be a morning after. Just hold your breath for a few trillion seconds and then come up for air. ...
One of the consistent media talking points is that the nation "should not have to go through this again," meaning the debate over raising the debt ceiling. I could not disagree more, and look forward to going through this -- or something like this -- when...
I can't remember an issue on which I have been as conflicted as on the pending debt ceiling deal. No sugar coating. It's not a good deal. It does very little to solve the problem of our budget deficits and growing debt. The law also leaves us...
The Dane County Sheriff's Office, which was tasked with investigating allegations that Justice David Prosser put a "chokehold" on Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, has concluded its investigation without a recommendation of prosecution. As reported by JSOnline (via SteveEgg and Charlie Sykes): An investigation into an altercation between...
The interesting thing about this now-famous tweet is that the sentiment has widespread bipartisan support, although for different reasons: ...
Here it is. It's 74 pages. We've heard various explanations of "the deal." I have some views on the deal as explained, but I'd be interested in what readers find that may be at odds with what they're hearing or at odds with the Boehner PowerPoint. I...
Politics has changed significantly in the past few years – not so much the political process itself, but the way the average citizen gets to observe and, more importantly, participate. Social media has quickly become a fundamental part of many people’s lives and even more...