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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Via Orlando Sentinel: Former U.S. Rep. Alan Graysonis reporting today that he already has raised more than $500,000 in the final quarter of 2011 — a big haul that should boost efforts by the Orlando Democrat to return to Congress...


The choice for Best Bumper Sticker of the Year was a tough one. I appreciate the nominations from readers. My choice came down to which bumper sticker most concisely and vividly reflected my mood and the mood of Legal Insurrection readers. Here are the results: 1st Place - "Actually, No...

Rick Perry has filed a lawsuit over his exclusion from the Virginia ballot. His website link to the pleading is overloaded, so I don't know the specifics, updates to follow. Update:  The link keeps freezing but I managed to download the Complaint, here it is. (added) I claim...

Both Newt's campaign (first video below) and a pro-Newt SuperPAC have hit the airwaves in Iowa with positive ads. Meanwhile, I assume that the massive Romney SuperPAC ad buy will be hitting the airwaves in Iowa at the same time. There is no question that the negative...

I have focused on Ben Nelson, and the Cornhusker Kickback, repeatedly.  The big question was whether Nelson would run for reelection, with the Democrats hoping he would as the best chance of keeping the seat. It turns out he is retiring, via Politico: Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson...

Mitt Romney has an emerging secrecy problem.  For someone whose primary claim to the nomination is that he has nothing to hide, he sure acts like he has something to hide. First, there was the cleansing of Massachusetts state records from his time as Governor, including the...

Have you noticed, the hot topic this election cycle is to dig into internet archives and find something someone said which appears to contradict what the person says now.  It's not a new phenomenon, but it has taken on gargantuan proportions this cycle. The latest is...

It's hard to think of a more absurd argument than the one that Virginia's ballot hurdles did everyone a favor (via OTB) by telling us who had the organization to win: Virginia, then, has done the nation a service. It has winnowed the Republican field in advance of,...

Thanks to reader Teri, who writes: I enjoy your blog and appreciate your support for Newt. I have decided that Newt is currently our best choice as well. I was out shopping yesterday and found myself behind this white van in Richland, Washington. The driver might have...

Relatively quiet, but what is going on is vomitous: Romney campaign is bragging about inevitability, and pointing out what we all know, via NY Mag (h/t HotAir): “Who would’ve thought that Romney would get to this point without having a crapload of negative ads dropped on his...

Brilliant.   Healer.  Reformer.  Magnanimous. Words routinely used to describe Barack Obama, all of which have no basis in history, as documented by Victor Davis Hanson: Barack Obama is a myth, our modern version of Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. What we were told is true, never had...

Bob Woodward had a lengthy article yesterday in The Washington Post, In his debut in Washington’s power struggles, Gingrich threw a bomb. The article concerns Newt's refusal as Republican Whip to go along with George H.W. Bush's 1990 deal with Democrats to raise taxes. The deal, which breached Bush's "read...

I think this is the first "anti-Occupy" bumper sticker I've received.  It's more of a bumper poster, actually. Thanks to reader Bill in Washington State, who writes: Hi Prof - attached is a photographed just down the road from me. It is a new sticker, as I...

I'm not promising to be this easy all the time, but I do try to accomodate the hopes and prayers of the huddled masses, whenever possible. So yes, Leslie, there is a Santa Claus: ...

Some of these may turn into full posts at some time, but for today, just snippets: Richard Lugar, facing conservative challenger Richard Mourdock, is resurrecting the false meme that the Tea Party cost Republicans control of the Senate in 2010.  Au contraire, Carley Fiorina (CA), Dino Rossi...

On Christmas Day 2009, Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate exposives contained in his underwear on a flight arriving in Detroit.  Abdulmutallab unexpectedly pleaded guilty in November 2011. As reported by ABC News on December 26, 2009: The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized...