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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The Obama administration has turned the immigration laws into a bigger joke than they already were, through administrative decisions not to enforce the laws. Obama unilaterally created rules allowing so-called "Dreamers" to stay under certain conditions, and no surprise, 99.2% of those applying are getting approved.  That policy...


I meant, "we much." From Max, whose wife took this photo not in Montana, but while visiting her mom in Maine. ...

This is pretty funny. WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—President Obama used his weekly radio address on Saturday to reassure the American people that he has “played no role whatsoever” in the U.S. government over the past four years. “Right now, many of you are angry at the government,...

Erdogan ♥s Ocalan? Last week Soner Cagaptay and James Jeffers asked Can Obama Save Turkey From a Syrian Quagmire? in the New York Times: The Syrian war has also awakened Turkey’s once dormant Marxist militant groups. These groups vehemently oppose any government policies they see as serving...

Oh come on, all you. Really. How could anyone think differently? Anyone? Buhler? John Kass, IRS scandal a reminder of how I learned about The Chicago Way (h/t @bryanjacoutot): I didn't understand it all back then, but I understand it now. Once there were old bosses. Now there are...

As most Legal Insurrection readers are avid news consumers, I bet many wonder why there are so many "low information voters". Perhaps Google is to blame. Take a look at their top news stories when I checked yesterday: Now, compare this to Bing News and its top...

Take the fight to them every place you can. From SGLawrence, taken in Woodstock, NY (not actually the place where the Woodstock concert was held, that was in Bethel): Hi Professor Jacobson. While in Woodstock, N.Y. this past week, I came across a large Chalkboard that invites...

At congressional hearings yesterday, it was revealed that the IRS planted a question at an ABA meeting in order to give Lois Lerner of the IRS the opportunity to get ahead of the pending Inspector General Report and make it seem as if the IRS had voluntarily...

Forwarded to me by a reader. Sounds like a good idea to me. (details and locations at the link) On behalf of Tea Party, Patriot groups, 9/12, liberty activists, and the American people, we are calling for anyone and everyone to protest the IRS’ complete abuse of...

You remember Upworthy, the epitome of low-information in support of Obama and progressives, Upworthy — or, How we are losing the internet to lowest of low information young liberals. They have maps which demonstrate The high cost of low information voters. I need to stop checking in...

Democratic Congressman Ed Markey apparently is hoping that being super-liberal in Massachusetts is enough to defeat Republican Gabriel Gomez in the Special Election ...

This week college campuses looked relatively sane compared to Washington, D.C. I emphasize "relatively." Occupy brings “two chickens, three goats and a rabbit” as part of takeover of U. California farm Swarthmore’s descent into madness Louisiana State Hosts “Lavender Graduation” For Homosexual Grads Six Degrees of Separation: Stanford University – Where...