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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The vote took place on a vote to close debate. BREAKING: Bill to expand background checks for gun purchases is defeated in the Senate.— NBC News (@NBCNews) April 17, 2013 Toomey-Manchin Fails on Cloture Vote, 54-46; Four Democrats Vote for Filibuster— AoSHQ (@AoSHQ) April 17, 2013 Fundraising...


The 844-page Immigration Reform bill was dropped on the public late yesterday. There will be a rush to a vote as on just about every other legislative behemoth in the past four years. David Frum, so far, is one of the clearer heads on the immigration charade known as...

Despite widespread speculation that "white supremacists" were behind the killings of two prosecutors in Texas (and the wife of one of the prosecutors), it turned out that a disgruntled Texas Justice of the Peace was behind the murders.  As in the Newtown and Boston Marathon...

1) We wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea Yesterday Max Fisher wrote, Knowledge of pressure-cooker bombs is not limited to readers of al-Qaeda’s ‘Inspire’ magazine: And “Inspire” was far from the first extremist publication to distribute instructions for making pressure-cooker bombs. Yair Rosenberg of Tablet...

Took place today in London. Despite calls for protests, there was little disruption. Via The Telegraph: ...

The third person killed in the bombing of the Boston Marathon has been identified. Via Riehl World News: The third person killed in the Boston Marathon bombings is a 23-year-old Chinese graduate student at Boston University who came to the U.S. because it was her dream to...

From Linda: Parking lot, academy Sports, Smyrna TN ...

Via CNN and television reports: An envelope that tested positive for the deadly poison ricin was intercepted Tuesday afternoon at the U.S. Capitol's off-site mail facility in Washington, congressional and law enforcement sources tell CNN. After the envelope tested positive in a first routine test, it was...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco .. Twitter @afbranco ...

The media apparently was in full attendance at the Kermit Gosnell trial starting yesterday. Professor Glenn Reynolds called it Breaking media silence: Now the story has gotten some coverage on CNN (Jake Tapper broke the silence first) and other networks, and while it'll never get the attention...

There has not been a lot learned since last night. At a press conference this morning almost nothing was learned, except that the investigators seem desperate for information and are calling on the public to turn in videos and photos. I'm embedding the Twitter feed at the bottom of the post, which is a good way to keep track during the day. CBS Boston Live Stream (Added) Via Twitchy:

1) The PA's defense budget The Palestinian Authority regularly complains about its budget woes. Nitzana Darshan-Leitner writes that the largest portion of the PA's budget goes to defense: Recently, the Palestinian Authority publicly revealed its new budget. In approving the 2013 fiscal plan, the Palestinian leader Mahmoud...

Who is surprised? President Obama's delegation to the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is drawing some flak in London. Two former Republican Secretaries of State -- James Baker and George Shultz -- will lead the U.S. delegation to the Thatcher funeral on Wednesday. Some British...