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Ethan Bronner of The New York Times has a classic piece on the opening of a luxury mall in Gaza. How does one balance the endless propaganda that Gaza is a concentration camp and that Israelis are committing genocide, with the reality that Gaza exceeds...

Many bloggers and news outlets are using a graphic printed in The Economist to show that Israel prevents basic foodstuffs from entering Gaza, including Coriander and Chocolate. Since the chart is in The Economist, most people accept it at face value, and mock any suggestion...

An Iranian port in Gaza is the goal of those who want uninspected sea shipping to Gaza. The “Freedom Flotilla” is a lie and a fraud. The Islamist government of Turkey, which has an ongoing rapprochement in progress with Iran, instigated the crisis, and a...

Adam Shapiro, one of the organizers of flotillas to break the sea blockade of Gaza in 2009 and again in 2010, was interviewed on PBS. In the interview, Shapiro made clear that the primary purpose of the flotilla was political. Only upon prompting by Gwen...

The United States has a major problem in Turkey, which under increasingly authoritarian Islamist rule, has become a primary player in undermining U.S. policy in the Middle East, not to mention a growing antagonist of Israel. I have posted on Turkey’s Islamist government before. The...

From The Guardian, showing that investment fraud is universal: Jawad Tawfiq, a 52-year-old Gazan actor and director, was dubious at first, but his nephew insisted. If they could scrape together enough money, the nephew said, large profits could be made from investing in the tunnels...