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We have written many times before about how we only hear about the non-Jewish Arab refugees created when the Arab armies invaded Israel in 1948, but hear almost nothing about Jewish refugees from Arab countries: Israel double-dares Arabs to seek compensation for refugees Helen Thomas’...

Why the sudden and hysterical terror alerts causing shutdown of U.S. Embassies in the Middle East and worldwide concern? This may be the reason, via ABC News: The senior U.S. official said there is concern about devices that could be implanted inside the body of...

The Department of State issued a travel alert Friday, warning of al Qaeda and affiliated organizations planning potential terrorist attacks “particularly in the Middle East and North Africa, and possibly occurring in or emanating from the Arabian Peninsula” between now and the end of August. ...

In October 2009, Charles Krauthammer critiqued President Obama’s foreign policy in a Weekly Standard article Decline is a choice: Indeed, as he made his hajj from Strasbourg to Prague to Ankara to Istanbul to Cairo and finally to the U.N. General Assembly, Obama drew the...

1) The innocence of the Obama administration Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on September 14, 2012: Remarks by #SecClinton at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to Honor Those Lost in Attacks in Benghazi, #Libya — Department of State (@StateDept) September 14, 2012 This has...

As Professor Jacobson has noted, there’s no shortage of denial about Tsarnaev Brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing. Barry Rubin observes: Now that the two (primary, at least) terrorists from the Boston Marathon attack have been killed or captured, we enter a new...

1) How to fight asymmetric warfare Once again Charles Enderlein and Philipe Karsenty are back in court. Enderlein was the reporter who created the story of Mohammed al-Dura. Karsenty is the media critic who had the temerity to question the much honored “journalist.” Back in...

It’s hard to know whether to cheer their disappointment or commiserate. My natural inclination is to tell them to S*** *** **** ** considering that they have subjected us to four more years. From Michael Goodwin, Obama 2: Even more reckless: People weren’t paying attention. Those are...

In the debate’s most (in)famous moment Tuesday night, Obama asserted that on September 12 he called the violence in Libya that occurred on September 11 an act of terror.  But his claim is belied by this report, published in the Washington Post September 13. At...

Four “senior Obama Administration officials” held a press briefing yesterday regarding the attacks in Libya and Egypt.  For reasons we can only divine, they remain unnamed in the official transcript. Near the end, NPR’s Dina Temple-Raston asked “whether there was any specific recent intelligence indicating...