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Pawtucket, RI, is just north of Providence. Pawtucket (pronounced “p-tuk–et” to those in the know) is an old mill town which has huge economic problems (as does the entire State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations). So what should the federal government do to help...

Just a little true anecdote on how the “rich” cutting back is hurting the “not rich.” My wife went to a hair salon last Friday. The salon is located on the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island, near Brown University. This is the premier neighborhood...

Jim Cramer, the television investment personality, has been in the news recently since he criticized Barack Obama’s economic plans as a destroyer of wealth. The petty White House reaction to Cramer has put Cramer on the White House enemies list, along with Rick Santelli and...

The New York Times has run a story on the travails of my home state, Rhode Island. The Times pays homage to the good things about Rhode Island, which is a quirky state with beautiful landscapes and beaches, in which everyone seems to know everyone...

Add Joe Biden to the list of people giving stimulus:

This must be some sort of plot to undermine Republican opposition to Obama’s stimulus plan. Online marketers of “free government money” get-rich-quick schemes now are targeting Republicans: Where did I find this? Through a Google Ad over at Finkelblog. Seems like Mark’s audience must have...

There’s an old saying on Wall Street that a bear market has not bottomed out until the last bull capitulates. News flash. The last bull has capitulated. Me. I’m a true believer in capitalism and markets. There is no better measure of what an item...

Now I know for sure what Congress and the Obama administration think of us. Reports indicate that the “compromise” stimulus bill will be $789,000,000,000. Why that number? Because it’s not $800,000,000,000. Whew, that makes me feel better. It’s not $800 billion. I’ll buy it. Think...

At his press conference last night, Barack Obama singled out Elkhart, Indiana, as a place of special gloom and doom: I took a trip to Elkhart, Indiana, today. Elkhart is a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in America. In one year,...

Barack Obama held his first press conference as President tonight. With the “stimulus” plans on the table at the House and Senate, the press had an opportunity to show that it no longer was slobbering over Obama. The press failed. Not a single reporter challenged...

Dramatic increases in domestic drilling were offered as the answer to many of our economic problems last summer when gas was approaching $4 per gallon. Even Democrats were forced to recognize the need to open up some offshore drilling, and pressure was building to drill...

Barack Obama is about to propose a massive, trillion dollar stimulus package, the centerpiece of which is infrastructure projects. Large-scale infrastructure projects have a long history of cost-overruns, mob-influence through corrupt unions, and are not effective at long-term job creation. But that is not the...

My home state of Rhode Island has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to grabing proposed federal instrastructure stimulus dollars. Although it has been known for weeks if not months that Barack Obama was ready to throw hundreds of billions of dollars at...

Illinois Governor Rudy Blagojevich has been indicted [correction 12/14/2008 – charged in a criminal complaint] for many offenses. While the press has focused on the attempt to sell Barack Obama’s open Senate seat, there is a more important aspect of the indictment as relates to...

The stimulus plan proposed by Barack Obama focuses on public infrastructure projects, which have a long history of cost overruns, corruption, and construction incompetence. Public infrastructure construction and maintenance is important, it’s just not an efficient use of funds if a quick economic stimulus is...

In his weekly radio address today, Barack Obama repeated his intention to stimulate the economy and “create” jobs through a massive public infrastructure program. As we have noted before, “[o]f all the concepts to help build the economy, Barack Obama has seized on the one...

The Obama administration-in-waiting has devised a plan, still in its infancy in details but well developed in magnitude, to create millions of jobs through public infrastructure projects. Various Democratic leaders talk about a plan ranging from hundreds of billions of dollars to over a trillion....