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This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: As those of you who follow this blog know, almost every Saturday I highlight the use of the race card for political purposes. The use of the race...

Frank Rich has a blood lust as do many of those pushing the false meme that opposition to Obama equals racism and violence, as witnessed by Rich’s latest polemic in the NY Times today, The Rage Is Not About Health Care. As happened with the...

Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake has been one of the few avowed progressives willing to speak out against Obamacare. As I have explored before, Hamsher’s central objection is my central objection, the mandate. We object to the mandate on very different grounds; she because it makes...

The Democrats not only are throwing Eric Massa under the bus, they are stomping on his head, ripping his heart out, disemboweling him, and then making him go to Canada for treatment. But let’s rewind a little. Eric Massa was the rock star of the...

Eric Massa (D-NY) is set to resign today. If he has not yet tendered his resignation, he should not do so. At least not if he is being forced out because of his health care vote, which is what he alleged over the weekend in...

The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued its latest screaming report: “Patriot” Groups, Militias Surge in Number in Past Year. Unfortunately, the hype surrounding the SPLC report is just another indication that SPLC has lost its way and has become a primary source to smear...

What Obama needs to pass his health care restructuring bill is a good political crisis. One in which he can stand there and proclaim, as he did with the stimulus bill, that we are on the edge of a catastrophe. And since the only way...

The latest in the “how do they think this stuff up” series, Matthew Yglesias on the new definition of immorality, namely, doing something which hurts the Democratic Party (emphasis mine): Obviously, Evan Bayh’s never been my favorite Senator. And the more one learns about both the...

Barack Obama was steadfast during the campaign and after his election in his willingness to enter into negotiations with Iran without preconditions. But Obama is not willing to enter into health care negotiations with Republicans without preconditions. In inviting Republicans to the negotiating table for...

One idea being floated on the internet is a “National Strike” on January 20, 2010, to protest Obama’s State of the Union address in light of the irresponsible health care legislation and out-of-control spending. I completely sympathize with the emotion behind the idea. But the...

John Hawkins has an interesting post regarding a conversation he had with a Senate staffer on the chances of Obama-Pelosi-Reid-care passing this year (not likely) or in January (50/50): John: But still, it’s looking grim right? Senate Aide X: They are in much worse shape...

Senator Orrin Hatch has written a Hanukkah song. The background is here. Thanks, Orrin. There’s a lesson to be learned here, but unfortunately the Jewish community will not learn it because it is so deep in the pocket of the Democratic Party that it cannot...

After the Bill Sparkman incident, in which the left-wing blogosphere immediately blamed tea party attendees and conservatives for Sparkman’s (as yet unsolved) death, even this shocked me. Digby at Hullabaloo: I have no idea what happened at Ft Hood. They’ve confirmed that the perpetrators were...

It’s slipping away from the protectors of the Obama image. Increasingly, the mainstream media is using the term “Nixonian” in the same sentence as Obama. And all because of an unnecessary fight Obama picked with Fox News. The term Nixonian has taken on a meaning...

I’m starting a new theme, the Saturday Night Card Game, to highlight the use of the race card as a political tool. Those on the left, lacking meritorious arguments, increasingly turn to false accusations of racism as a way of ending an argument they are...

First it was the Senate Gang of Six who took it upon themselves to fix Joe Wilson’s imaginary loophole, the one which caused Wilson out of frustration to accuse Barack Obama of lying as to whether Democratic health care proposals included illegal aliens. And caused...

You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of how uncompromising the left-wing of the Democratic Party has become than the attempts to make sure the Obama administration and moderate Democrats do not compromise on the public option. Jane Hamsher, one of the most...