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1) When all else fails focus on Israel I’m not sure that the editors of the New York Times realized how absurd the title of this recent article on the Middle East sounded, Chaos in Middle East Grows as the U.S. Focuses on Israel. Surely...

On May 23 I wondered Will Qusayr be Hezbollah’s Stalingrad? It’s hard to know what really is going on, with pro-Assad forces claiming great progress while rebel supporters claim they are hanging on and receiving reinforcements.  There has been a mostly futile attempt to gain...

1) Remember when they used to talk about Israel like this? I’m not used to Arabs talking this way about Arabs: Brigadier General Salim Idris, the current chief of Staff of the Supreme Military Council of the FSA, said: “If the attacks of Hezbollah [on]...

Mahmoud Abbas made a superficial rejection of kidnapping Israeli soldiers as part of the Palestinian political culture at the World Economic Forum. It was, as Israel Matzav points out, as much a thinly-veiled threat as a rejection of the tactic, via Times of Israel (emphasis added): Abbas categorically...

So writes Syracuse University Professor Zak Braiterman, Hezbollah — Part of the Global Left?: Reading this article about Hezbollah fighting in Syria and up to its waist in blood, it made me wonder if a certain philosopher still believes that Hezbollah is a social movement that is...

Erdogan ♥s Ocalan? Last week Soner Cagaptay and James Jeffers asked Can Obama Save Turkey From a Syrian Quagmire? in the New York Times: The Syrian war has also awakened Turkey’s once dormant Marxist militant groups. These groups vehemently oppose any government policies they see...

1) Syria considerations Last week former executive editor of the New York Times, Bill Keller wrote Syria is not Iraq. The gist of his argument is that he trusts President Obama but shouldn’t have trusted President Bush. It’s a silly argument. However, as Dexter Filkins...

1) When is news not really news? The Newseum – a museum devoted to the news business – recently held an event to honor journalists killed in the line of duty. Included in that honor members of Hamas who were killed by Israel this past...

And they don’t mean “land for peace” or anything close to it. Instead, they welcome people like Egyptian Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi to Gaza: Leading Muslim cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi paid a high-profile visit to Gaza on Thursday, giving a boost to the Islamist group Hamas...

You remember Pallywood: Pallywood fakes Palestinian handcuffed to hospital bed Pallywood — the longest running series in the history of fiction What’s the difference between Pallywood and media coverage of Gaza? Abid Katib – Palestinian Shoe Fauxtographer? Looks like it has happened again, this time...