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Via AP (h/t Samuel Keck in Tip Line)  A three-judge panel in Florida has ruled that a former neighborhood watch leader charged in the fatal shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin should be granted a new judge in his case. Florida’s Fifth District Court of Appeal...

There has been a lot written, including here, about Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, and the role it played in the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. Almost all of the criticisms of the law as applied to this case revolve around the allegation...

It probably will not stop those who want to portray the case as racial from continuing to make claims of racial motivation in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but the FBI has confirmed that there is no substantial evidence that George Zimmerman was racist. Via...

George Zimmerman posted a $1 million bond, and walked out of jail this afternoon. According to The Orlando Sentinel: Zimmerman posted the $1 million bond thanks in part to the $20,000 in donations raised since Thursday when Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. set the bond...

But since he probably only has to put up 10% in cash, he should be walking free soon. (Order here and at bottom of post) Via Orlando Sentinel: A Sanford judge today ordered George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin,...

George Zimmerman’s father and the EMT who treated Zimmerman at the scene the night he shot Trayvon Martin testified today at his second bond hearing. Via ABC News: During the hearing, Zimmerman’s lawyer Mark O’Mara played a tape of a 911 call in which a...

The video of George Zimmerman reenacting the events the night he shot Trayvon Martin has been released. I will analyze this video and the other evidence (including lie detector video and audio police statement) just released by the defense, but I don’t have time right now, so...

Florida prosecutor Angela Corey has come under withering criticism from Alan Dershowitz for overcharging and leaving out important details in the Affidavit of Probable Cause filed in connection with the charge of Second Degree Murder lodged against George Zimmerman. Corey allegedly responded by threatening to...

Yesterday I posted about how Alan Dershowitz alleged that Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey called up Harvard Law School complaining about Dershowitz and treatening to sue for libel based on Dershowitz’s criticisms of her handling of the case. The whole incident seemed strange, and reflected conduct that...

Just breaking, via USA Today: A judge has revoked the bond of the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and ordered him returned to jail within 48 hours. Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester said Friday that George Zimmerman misled the court about how...

Here is George Zimmerman’s testimony at the bail hearing this morning. I find it very curious as to why he took the stand at all, other than for publicity and to start reshaping his image for potential jurors.  While the cross-examination was limited, you can...

One of hotest topics of argument has been whether George Zimmerman said “f-ing coons” under his breath on the 911 tape.  The left-blogosphere has used the alleged racial epithet endlessly to paint this as a racially motivated hate crime. CNN used three different audio experts...