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In the wake of the recent realization that the National Security Agency is creeping on all of us, Anonymous is now touting a trove of documents that the hacker collective says is proof that the NSA is spying on citizens of over 35 different countries. ...

That the government data mines isn't news. That the government has the ability to use secret judicial processes to obtain emails and phone records isn't news. The controversy over the latest revelations is a controversy about things which have been known -- at least in part -- for...

I don't get the mentality of this bumper sticker, spotted in Rhode Island. I never measured success by how much work I could avoid doing. ...

[caption id="attachment_54347" align="alignnone" width="391"] [Zimmerman at Frye hearing 6-6-13][/caption] The Zimmerman court is engaged in a pretrial Frye hearing that will decide, in part, whether the prosecution’s expert witnesses can testify about their analysis of an audio recording of the 911 call made by Witness #11,...

The latest revelation about how deeply the government can watch every one of us.  Allegedly.  Executives of companies involved say they know nothing about the program. But if they did know, could they tell? Or would they be under some sort of gag order similar to...

I have covered the #StopRush and various affiliated boycott campaigns against Rush Limbaugh organized and run by Media Matters as extensively as anyone: Media Matters astroturfed the Limbaugh secondary boycott Independent Rush boycott group coordinated with Media Matters Evidence of Media Matters coordination disappears from “independent” anti-Rush group website #StopRush turns on...

From The Wall Street Journal, IRS Staff Cite Washington Link: Two Internal Revenue Service employees in the agency's Cincinnati office told congressional investigators that IRS officials in Washington helped direct the probe of tea-party groups that began in 2010. Transcripts of the interviews, viewed Wednesday by The...

As Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan returns to his country from a visit to north Africa, protesters will continue to demand his apology for the police crackdown that has responded to the week's raging protests. A police officer died Thursday after falling into an underpass...

I haven't read The Times of London since it erected its massive paywall. The Gannett local papers, such as the Ithaca Journal, allow a certain number of visits, but the pop-up warnings pretty much have me not visiting. I rarely visit The Providence Journal since it's paywall...

Following the unfolding scandal of the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of the Tea Party, I keep the following thought in mind: Neither party in Congress can be relied upon to satisfactorily resolve this issue.  They created the IRS, fund the IRS, and oversee the IRS.  All...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

You know the story. The government is grabbing all your phone records.  In a previously secret order obtained by Obama: The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court...

Hey folks, As the Professor announced this past Sunday, I will be covering the Zimmerman trial (starting Monday, June 10) nearly-live right here on Legal Insurrection.  My commitment is to provide reality-based analysis, without the speculation, spin, and snark we’ve seen too much of already. In this...

1) Talkin' Turkey Claire Berlinski provides the recent background for the foment going on in Turkey: Of late, almost every sector of the electorate has felt unease about one part or another of Erdoğan’s agenda. Restrictive new alcohol legislation, rammed through parliament, as usual, with contempt for...