David Gerstman | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 25
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Author: David Gerstman

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David Gerstman

David Gerstman blogged as Soccer Dad from 2003 to 2010. Formerly a computer programmer, he is now a blogger for The Israel Project's The Tower blog.

1) The counter-intuitive truth David Ignatius, recently peddling conventional wisdom about President Obama's recent Middle East, Obama's Pragmatic Approach, trip listed three accomplishments of that trip. Two of them were: Obama breathed a little life back into an Israeli-Palestinian peace process that had...

1) The Washington Post on Obama's trip Fareed Zakaria uses a guest column in the Washington Post to proclaim Obama appeals to Israel's conscience: He starts with condescension: As a piece of rhetoric, Barack Obama’s speech to college students in Jerusalem was a triumph. He finally convinced Israel...

1) The apology The Washington Post reported Obama ends Israel visit by brokering end to dispute with Turkey: Prodded by President Obama, Israel and Turkey agreed Friday to end a three-year rift caused by a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish ship bound for Gaza, a...

1) The President talks to the Israeli people Barry Rubin summarizes President Obama's message to the young people of Israel whom he addressed at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem yesterday. First: Obama’s big theme is that — and I’m not being satirical here — peace is...

1) Barack and Bibi The Algemeiner has transcripts of President Obama's and PM Netanayahu's remarks at their joint press conference yesterday. Writing in Tablet, Lee Smith covers the three issues that President Obama and PM Netanyau would be discussing: the Palestinians, Syria and Iran. (via memeorandum) However,...

The New York Times, the American Council for Judaism and Israel Last year a former New York Times reporter, Neil Lewis wrote a defense of the New York Times' coverage of Israel. (.pdf) Lewis writes of Arthur Hays Sulzberger: Whatever complicated personal themes may have floated in...

1) Is there any hope left for Mideast honesty in the New York Times A few people have pointed out that I missed an op-ed by Rashid Khalidi, Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? One paragraph really stuck out. Until 1991 most Palestinians, although under Israeli...

Cheerleading the Intifada The New York Times has done it again. Less then two weeks after publishing an intellectual attack against Israel, it publishes an article glorifying physical attacks on Israel. The front page story of yesterday's New York Times Magazine, Is This Where the Third...

1) When elephants crash land Recently, I brought up an example of how Professor Barry Rubin handled a mistake. First he admitted it. Then he explained the forces involved. His behavior showed a few things. 1) He is serious about what he has written. 2) He respects his...

1) Why is this debate a virtue? Yesterday, I wrote about Joseph Levine's outrageous article at the New York Times arguing that Israel is not a legitimate secular democratic state. At the Daily Beast, Ralph Seliger writes: I think it's odd that we should still be arguing the...

The Ranting of Levine Last week the New York Times published an essay by a philosophy professor, James Levine On Questioning the Jewish State. I won't quote from the essay, but here are some of the responses. Elder of Ziyon argues: In fact, if you follow his bizarre...

1) Being a reporter means never having to say you're sorry The New York Times has reported on the UN report that raised doubts about the death of Omar Masharawi. Isabel Kershner wrote U.N. Ties Gaza Baby’s Death to Palestinians: Paul Danahar, the BBC Middle East bureau chief,...

Mendacious Max Beyond Iron Dome Max Fisher, the blogger for the Washington Post who publicized the picture of Jihad Mishrawi has now responded to a new United Nations report that concluded that the rocket that killed Mishrawi's son was likely fired by Hamas. Originally he was...

1) More fallout over the Samira Ibrahim selection Robert Mackey has established himself as an anti-Israel activist. Following last week's revelation that Egyptian activist Samira Ibrahim had been making antisemitic and anti-American comments, Mackey was back in business. He asked, Samuel Tadros, the scholar who had uncovered...

In late February, the Washington Post ran an editorial Solution Politics in Virginia that began: IN VIRGINIA, A REPUBLICAN governor and a GOP-dominated legislature have joined forces with Democrats to enact the first long-term increase in transportation funding since the Reagan administration — and the state’s...